Chapter 16

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Harry pov

I decide it is best that I finish my business here before talking to them. I walk up to the goblin at the desk before doing the proper greeting and asking for a new inheritance test. They lead me back to a room and I see the siblings sit down as I go clearly intending to talk to me as well.

The goblins bring out the paper and take my money before having me add a few drops to the paper to reveal my results.

Full inheritance test

Name (Birth): Harry James Potter

Father (Birth): James Potter (deceased)

Mother (Birth): Lily Potter (deceased)

Name (adopted): Harry James Stark

Father (adopted): Tony Stark


Alice longbottom (insane)

Remus lupin

Sirius Black (incarcerated without trial)

Birthday: July 31 1999

Age: 12


Alien Æsir (rite)


Ravenclaw (adoption)

Stark (adoption)

Hufflepuff (maternal)

Le Fay (maternal)

Gryffindor (paternal)

Peverell (paternal)

Potter (paternal)

Slytherin (conquest)

Mortis (master of death)

Emrys (magic)

Pendragon (Emrys)

Hogwarts (all houses)

Black (godfather)


Lupin (godfather)

Longbottom (godmother)

Properties and vaults



All speech: can speak all human and creature languages. Can use creature magic through their languages.

Eidetic memory: Remembers everything to ever happen to them

Metamorphmagus: can change all physical features.

Umbrakenisis: can control shadows.

Control of the dead: can talk, touch, summon and completely control the dead.

Soul reading: can tell intentions, purity, state of soul and can tell if someone is telling the truth.

Godly magic: can manipulate much more than the average wizard.


True werewolf: has control of wolf, can change outside of full moon, changes into a wolf, painless transformation, gets inheritance at 11. Potions do nothing.

Full animagus: can transform into any animal once learned, can learn to do partial transformations. Shows up at 5.



The boy who lived

The chosen one

Master of death


Crown prince of Alien Asgard

Alien Asgardian God of Death, children, teamwork, spies, safety, soulmates, shadows, magic and lightning.

I sigh as the test just shows how much more complicated my life has gotten. "We need to set a date for the trial of my godfather Sirius Black."

"With your level of power it should not be a problem. When would you like it to be set?"

"As soon as possible, I have heard somewhat undesirable things about that prison."

"Of course crown prince Harry."

"Thank you, now do we have anything else to discuss at this time."


"Great may your gold ever flow."

"And your enemies fall at your feet." They lead me out of the room and in to the main area. After I have returned to the main area the goblin goes back to his office. I walk over to the two children and address them. "Do you have anything left to do here?"

The boy looks at the girl and she shakes her head. "Well then follow me let's go somewhere to talk." Severus went off with Leo and we set up to meet up at the ice cream shop so I don't have to worry.

I walk to a restaurant that is known for having private rooms. I request a room and although it is more expensive than I would usually go for I decide to continue. They lead us to a room at the back of the restaurant and I can feel that it has anti eavesdropping wards which is good but I throw up an extra silence ward anyway.

"So I am sure that you two can also tell that I am related to a death god." They both nod. "First may I ask who your parent is?"

They seem confused perhaps they don't know about the other pantheons yet but the girl answers anyway. "Hades."

"Ah, as I thought." I think about how to explain how I feel when I realize I forgot about something very important. "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Harry Stark and you two are?"

"I am Bianca di Anglo and this is my little brother Nico. It's nice to meet you Harry."

"It is nice to meet you two as well. Now as to why I feel like death. I am known as the master of death."

"Why?" Nico asks quietly.

"Well there are many death gods and goddesses so at the head of the group there is one that is in charge of them all, death himself. I have been chosen by fate, death and many others to be his master, or more exactly a conscience. Gods are not exactly known for treating humans well so the ruler of each godly group is controlled by a human to prevent as many godly massacres of humans. Also I have recently been made a god myself and one of my domains is death. But that doesn't apply to Earth really."

"Wow." Nico says and I smile.

"Now Bianca you are clearly not a first year so why were you not here last year?"

"We recently were returned to the timeline as we were stuck with with the lotus eaters for many years."

"So you are resuming your schooling from back then?"

"Yes but so far my teaching has only been from home."

"I see. I hope you enjoy Hogwarts. I do have two warnings though, what ever you do don't do anything that will gain the attention of the head master, he is not a good man and be happy with what ever the house suggests as it was literally made to put you in the house that will suit you best."

"We will keep that in mind."

"Alright. I have to go now do you need help getting your supplies?"

"If you would."

"Alright follow me."

We head out and go to each of the different shops to get them their supplies. Lastly we head to the book shop. It is swarming with people and I can see the others inside along with draco and Ron with their families. There also seems to be a line of people getting books signed.

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