Chapter 19

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Harry pov

After breakfast before I get to class sev hands me a potion vile filed with something red. "What is it?"

"A blood substitute. We can't exactly go about getting blood without Dumbledore knowing and I don't plan on letting him know about me or you."

"That's reasonable. How many do I have to take and how often?"

"It changes depending on each vampire but you will need one at least three times a day, one with each meal. If you find yourself feeling like you need more just tap the mark and I will find you and give you another." I simply nod before downing the potion and heading to class.

The day was fine other than the fact that one potion never held off the feeling of hunger till the next meal and my senses were starting to get even worse from the vampire senses being added to my werewolf ones. By the time dinner came around I was overly tired and completely overwhelmed.

I finished my food quickly and headed to Sev's rooms as the great hall was much to loud and smelly at this point. Sev arrived soon after and gave me another potion. I turn to him. "I plan on telling my friends what happened and I told them to meet me in your office. Is that okay?"

"It's fine, now was the amount of potions today adequate?" He says with a softer drawl than normal.

"Not really, I always felt like I needed more before the next meal."

"And why did you not inform me of this?"

"We were both busy with classes and it wasn't bad enough for me to be worried."

"Fine but you will be taking two with each meal now and have to extra in your bag just in case."

I am about to argue about the extras in my bag but I hear someone knock on Sev's office door. "Fine." I say before we both head to his office. We open the door to reveal my friends. They pile in seeming worried. Sev transfigures some chairs for everyone and we all sit down.

"So what happened yesterday?"

"The vampire bit me before I could restraint it." Gasps fill the room and Luna just pats my shoulder.

"So your a creature now?" Ron asks concerned.

"I was already a creature but those were through bloodline this event just added another creature."

"So what does this mean?"

"Nothing really, I just have to drink blood substitute with every meal and my senses and physical abilities are a little bit increased. Now I do expect you all to keep this as a secret because I don't need anyone using it against me." All of my friends respond with either an of course or just a determined nod.

"So why were you gone all day? I get leaving the class but why didn't you go to the others?" Leo asks.

"After a person I biten by a werewolf or a vampire, if they get infected, they will go into a healing sleep where the wound from the bite is healed and they are turned into the creature." Leo nods and so does Nico. The others must have already known how it worked.

"So where did you go to sleep?" Draco says in a somewhat knowing way. Luna just smiles lightly as I am sure she knows as well.

"Severus's rooms." I say and Sev just looks at me as he heared his name.

"Why?" Ron says very confused.

"Because he is one of my soulmates and so far the only one I have found." Most of the room nods and a few look scandalized.

"But that means that Snape is a creature." Hermione states. I look at Sev to see if I can tell them and he just shrugs.

"Let's just say he really is a dungeon bat." He looks at me unimpressed but everyone else chuckles.

It has been a few more months and now it is finally time for break. I was about two seconds from breaking something or maybe someone, cough cough Lockhart cough. There hasn't even been any lordship meetings or any missions from SHIELD so I have been rather bored. I need to find out something to do while at school if nothing else comes up. My transformations on the full moon have been a lot less boring however because Sev started insisting that he comes with me every time.

I am heading to the great hall for breakfast when Sev corners me. He hands me a small bag. "This should have enough of the potions for all of your break, owl me if you start running too low." I open the bag and look inside seeing seemingly endless potions, it must be a bottomless bag.

"Thank you." He nods and hands me the ones for breakfast. I drink them and he takes the viles back before leaving. I head to the great hall after that for breakfast with all my friends.

The train ride back was loud with everyone sharing their plans for the break. I personally am excited to see my dad. I can't help but be worried about him even though he hasn't stopped sending me letters and calling me at night. Speaking of calling I should make Sev a phone, it will make communication easier and faster. Perhaps it would also benefit me if I made something to partially block my senses when they get to be too much. Also over the break I plan on figuring out the best way to remove Lockhart without them knowing that it is me. It looks like I will be looking for some blackmail or something.

When we get to the station I make all of my friends promise to stay safe over the break before walking over to Sev and having him take me home. At home the first thing I do is run over and give my dad a hug, making sure to control my level of strength, and check my dad over to make sure he hasn't gotten hurt. He is alright so I give him one last hug before going up to my room to put my bags up and down two more of the potions.

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