Chapter 18

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Harry pov

After breakfast, I drag myself to the DADA classroom. I am sure that this is where the first terrible thing is going to happen so I am rather hesitant. I sit at my desk and the rest of my peers file in. As soon as we all sit down Lockhart tells us to get up as our lesson is outside today. He also tells us to bring our wand but leave our bags. I look at him unsure of what he is going to do but follow anyway because at the very least I should try to protect my peers.

When we arrive at the edge of the forbidden forest he stops us and has us sit down. I purposefully sit in front of everyone else so if something goes wrong I can stop it. He approachs the edge of the forest and blows a whistle. I can hear something running towards us so I put an invisible shield around my peers as I can defend myself and they cannot.

Finally something comes out of the forest and Lockhart hits it with a underpowered stupify. I look at it to see that it is a feral vampire. This could be very bad. He starts to explain what a vampire is when the vampire breaks the spell and comes at me. I forgot that being a god will make them drawn to the smell of my blood.

It goes for my side and gets a small bite in before I restraint him properly. I quickly cover any evidence of the bite before standing up and dusting off my clothes. I am a bit shaken up and I want to leave the class so I let it slip through my mask. "Are you okay?" Some of the other students ask and I nod nervously as I can feel that the bite got just deep enough for me to get infected.

"Mr. Lockhart can I go back to the school?" I say cringing in my head over how pitiful I sound.

"I suppose so." He says clearly not really wanting me to leave but not wanting the entire class to turn against him. I quickly leave and head back to the school. I grab my backpack and head to Severus's rooms. He set the wards so I can come and go as I please. I go into the room and drop on the couch. I can tell that the only reason I am still functional is my other creatures.

I lift up my shirt to have a look at the bite as he got me in the side. I can see the distinct marks of fangs and that the whole thing is a very angry red. I gently press against the mark that connects me to Severus as I can hear him teaching in his classroom that is connected to his rooms. I hear him stop talking briefly before he dismisses his class.

It only takes a few minutes for everyone to leave his class and then he slips through the connecting door. I am barely awake at this point from the excess of pain and fatigue. The moment Severus comes in the pain calms slightly and I let out a sigh.

Severus looks at me in concern for a moment before speaking. "What's wrong?" I lift up the side of my shirt in response showing him the bite. He gasps, "How did this happen?" He demands.

"Lockhart, he brought a feral vampire to us and didn't properly secure it. I kept the others safe and properly restrained him but not before he got me. Severus nods and leaves the room before returning with several potions and a few ointments. First he has me drinking a few potions and then he starts to apply the ointments to my wound as I can feel myself start to drift off.

When I regain conciseness I look around the room and realize that it is already night time. I move to get up when I realize I can't so I look down to see Severus asleep on partially on top of me. I sink back down into the couch and let him sleep. I lift up my shirt to see that the wound is healed but I have new words on my side meaning that I now have two other people to find instead of just one other. I push my shirt back down and shift my position before going back to sleep.

When I wake up again the sun is up and Severus is gone. I get up and am a little bit sore still. I check the time and see that breakfast barely started. Sev must have left to make sure his Slythern's made it to breakfast. I get up and change my clothes into some I keep in my bag for emergencies and head down to breakfast.

When I get to my table all of my friends come over to check on me. "Are you okay? You weren't in any of our classes after Lockhart's class?" Leo asks.

"More or less. Come to professor Snape's office after dinner and I will tell you why I missed all of yesterday."

"Snape? Why?" Ron asks.

"He knows and will let me use his space."

"Alright." They all respond. The people who don't belong at our table return to their tables and I look up at the head table where Sev is staring daggers at Lockhart. I chuckle a little and sev looks straight at me. I guess he didn't know that I was here. He was probably to distracted by Lockhart. He gives me a small smile and returns to his usual behavior.

"I apologize for your newly acquired problem but I can see that it will lead to good things in the future." Luna says with her eyes a little foggy. I smile at her.

"It's alright, I'm glad that it will be worth it." She returns the smile and we both get back to eating.

"Remember I am here if you need help with your problem." I nod to her.

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