What Lies Ahead Part 3 ch 53

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What Lies Ahead Part 3 ch 53
At The Quartermaine crypt-AJ was there he touched Alan's gravestone."Dad, Michael I have some news I want to share with both of you, Elizabeth is pregnant with twins, Michael you're going to have a little brother and sister I wish you were here and Wiley he should be here too" AJ said as Willow came in."Sorry, I want to visit Michael and Wiley this morning "No it's alright, You're welcome here" Sorry I couldn't make dinner last night I didn't feel like being around everyone "Willow you are still a part of our family know it's just been hard" Yes it has "Why are you here "I want to tell my family my news," What is it? I could use some good news "Elizabeth and I are going to have a baby" Wow, That's wonderful "Thank you, Why don't I leave you alone with them" AJ said as he left."Oh Michael, Wiley I miss both of you so much it's not fair that you're both gone "Willow said

At The Quartermaine mansion-Tracy and Monica and Elizabeth Skye and Gabriella and Lila Rae and Kim were having breakfast together."Elizabeth, I know a fashion designer who started a baby fashion line and maternity clothes I can get you some clothes "Gabriella said "Thank you, I could use some better maternity clothes than last time Elizabeth said "I remember wearing them" Skye said "We should have a baby shower "Monica said "Maybe "Elizabeth said

Kim went by the bar all the baby stuff was getting to her when Skye came by.'Kim. Are you alright "No, Do you ever wish you keep me? Kim ask "I do think about what could have been but I wasn't ready to be a mother to you it wasn't your fault it was me," Skye said "If I wasn't convinced through rape would you of keep me" Kim ask "probably not, I was a teenager, "Skye said "I just wish I wasn't raised by Faith" Me too, I do regret that," Skye said

Willow came into the room as everyone was talking."Willow, Come in and have some breakfast "Elizabeth said "Yes, Where is Amelia" Monica asked "At a friend's house, I just heard about the new Quartermaine that are on their way, I'm happy for you Elizabeth "Willow said "Thanks you" Elizabeth said

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