What Lies Ahead part 3 ch 10

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What Lies Ahead Part 3 ch 10
At General Hospital -Violet's monitor was going off as Elizabeth  and Steve ran into her room."Please save my daughter "Hayden said "We need to look at her, Go into the hallway "Tommy said "Just save her" Hayden said she went into the hallway and tried not to cry as Carolyn came by," Hayden "My little girl the only family I have could die "Hayden said "You're not alone "Carolyn said and took her hand."My daughter has to make it" Hayden said

Robin was in her lab looking at the results from the test they ran on the applesauce as Tommy came in."Dr.Scorpio "Tommy said "Dr.Hardy I'm glad you are here, I found out what poison it is," Robin said "Good, Violet just crashed Steve and Elizabeth went to see her" No, We have to stop this and save the children, "Robin said

Hayden was waiting in the hallway worrying about her daughter when Tracy came by," Hayden, Do you need anything "Tracy asked "To save my daughter "Hayden said as the heart monitor went off again Tommy and Robin came running by and went into Violet room, 'Who's that with Robin "Hayden ask as Monica came by," Dr.Tommy Hardy Jr, His grandfather was Dr.Steve Hardy, Tommy had an case like this before "Monica said

Violet room - Steve was trying to work on Violet and Elizabeth and Robin and Tommy were trying to help him."Steve" I know it's too late, I hate this" Do you want me to call it" No, I will, Time of death, "Steve said as he cried Elizabeth went into the hallway and looked at her sister who knew what happened," No! My baby girl! Hayden yelled as Tracy held her."I'm sorry we did everything we could, I loved my niece "Elizabeth said "I know you did, Can I see her" Yes" Elizabeth said Hayden took Elizabeth's hand and they went into the room."Violet I love you so much, I'm sorry I was gone from your life I was selfish and I'm sorry I will get revenge on your death" Hayden said

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