What Lies Ahead Part 3 ch 48

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What Lies Ahead Part 3 ch 48
At General Hospital -Portia Steve Maya and Elizabeth came out of the surgery room from working on Cecil and were all reflected on it."I think it went well" Portia said "Yes me too, Now we need to tell the family, "Steve said they went by the family and Sasha took Skye's hand as they came by."How is our mother "Sasha asked Skye was touched about it."The surgery went well we wouldn't know if Cecil can see through her eyes have to be covered with gauze for a while "Steven said "It takes time for the sight to come back "Portia said "You can see Cecil but don't overwhelm her" Maya said "We won't, Thank you all for helping her, Sasha why don't you go first "Skye said "Thank for the support everyone "Sasha said she left.

Skye opened her purse pulled out a tissue to wipe her tears pulled out a mirror too and looked at her scars she hated them," Skye "Maya, Can I get rid of these scars "Yes you can it's a tension surgery but I believe you can handle it" Maya said "I believe I can too, I can survive anything after all" Skye said

Kim was in the supplies room putting away supplies that just come in.

Cecil room-Cecil was in bed with gauze on her eyes when Sasha came in," Mother it's me, Sasha your surgery went well you have to keep the bandage on your eyes for a while "I'm glad you here" Me too, I do love you "Sasha said she took Cecil hand," I love you too" Cecil said "The whole family is in the hallway too, They want to support you even Tracy" I never thought I would be accepted back into the family's always wanted a family we both win" Sasha said

In the hallway-Skye was thinking about the surgery went Monica came by."Monica, I need your professional opinion about surgery on my scare, Maya was telling me about it" Yes you're scars are healing enough that you can have the surgery "Monica said as Tracy came by," What surgery "On my scare, it's time I do it, "Alright let's schedule it" Monica said

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