What Lies Ahead Part 3 ch 37

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What Lies Ahead Part 3 ch 37
At The Quartermaine mansion-Skye and Tracy were talking."I know you are concerned about this but this is the only way to protect the girls "Yes it is" What lawyer did you call" Tracy asked as Ric came into the room."Did you call Ric? The lieutenant "Yes, Ric is a great lawyer and knows how to handle my ex-husband "Yes I do, What's going on" I want to keep my daughters from Lorenzo I need your help legally "What do you want me to do" Ric ask

At Gabriella's closet -Charlotte was at the shop worrying about the store she like working there with Gabriella even though she had her own money and didn't need to work she liked working with Gabriella and being her friend when Gabriella came in with Lorenzo."Daddy, Thanks for the ride but I can do this on my own with Charlotte "Yes, I know if you need me call me" I will thanks for lunch "Gabriella said she kissed her father goodbye Lorenzo left he knew something was going on he knows his daughter. Gabriella closed the door."Charlotte, What's going on" We received packages without any items in them and the mail is pilling up, Gabriella what is going on" I owe you the truth about the store it affects you too, I like working with you, I never really had a friend till I found you" I feel the same way we had a similar childhood "Yes we do, My family doesn't know about this buy the store in financial distress, I got over my head in this Gabriella said

At Christy- Christy was at home in bed with Lila Rae they have been having a secret relationship."Christy, I'm thinking we finally tell our family the truth "I think so too, we have nothing to hide "No we don't and nothing to be ashamed of "No"

At The Quartermaine mansion- Skye and Ric we're finishing up their meeting."You know Lorenzo isn't going to handle this well" Ric said as he slipped some water."I need to keep my daughters safe and I will do that, I'm not scared of Lorenzo "Skye said as she slipped some water and her cellphone rang."Speaking of the devil, Lorenzo what do you want" Skye asks as she hangs up the phone."What is it" Something going on with my daughter Gabriella I sure go, Ric thank you for this" You're welcome, I understand why you want to do this, "Ric said as he got up."Do you have regrets that we didn't continue our relationship "Ric asked "Some but I don't regret my children "No of course not" Ric said

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