ch 2 || The mission

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(A/N he is the oldest brother)

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(A/N he is the oldest brother)

"CHE CAZZO HAI APPENA DETTO"?!?(what the fuck did you just said)
"capo, qualcuno ha rubato le nostre spedizioni" the gaurds said hesitantly. Ohh I am gonna show what's it like being scared.

"Come?"(how) "ogni controllo di sicurezza è stato effettuato in modo che le guardie pensassero di poter partire presto" (every security check was done so the gaurds thought they can leave early)

"uccidili tutti e lascia che i loro corpi marciscano" (kill all of them and let their bodies rot) I said in a annoyed tone. We treat the gaurds as our family but that doesn't give them the right to leave there job

I opened my drawer for cigarettes but instead I found a picture of
Our Sorella (sister) she looked so peaceful and happy. After she was taken everything started going down for us, it was like our only source of light, happiness was taken from us. We tried everything we could do to find her but it was like she vanished. 8 years after she was taken we got a lead but when mom and dad went to inspect it they died in a car crash turns out that the car driver was working for the Irish mafia

After their deaths the responsibility of the mafia fall in my hands along with my siblings but father's younger brother our uncle along with his family moved in with us to help with the mafia. Even to this day we haven't stopped looking for her but it's been 14 years and we are starting to loose hope. Where ever you are Tesoro(star) I hope  you are safe and happy.

How wrong they were

We are currently hiding in a bush near the auction house analysing the security for ourselves " the auction is about to begin in 15 mins" soh said through our earpiece" I motioned cas to move forward from the left side as I am gonna take care of t...

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We are currently hiding in a bush near the auction house analysing the security for ourselves " the auction is about to begin in 15 mins" soh said through our earpiece" I motioned cas to move forward from the left side as I am gonna take care of the right side.

I hide myself in the shadows of the dim light of the house as I reached near a gaurd before he could alert the others I jumped him and silently sliced his thoart throwing him in the bushes. We did the same for all the other gaurds and now there is no one left patrolling here. Soh has already hacked the security footage so it's played in a continuous loop so they would have no idea there deaths are coming.

We went in like we own this fucking place. We made our way to the first floor and whoever tried to stop us ended up becoming a corpse.

Caspian kick the door revealing a room with a stage in the center and on the stage there were many women bounded with ropes who were crying there hearts out. The stage was surrounded by many people sitting on sofas with glass of whiskey in there hands


"Tsk tsk tsk we know exactly who you are but it's look like YOU don't know who we are johnny boy" i said in mocking tone

"YOU really think you can break our number 1 rule and we won't know. You wound us Johnny boy you wound us" cas said in a amused tone

By now everyone know who we are and you can see the fear on everyone's faces especially Issac. Why do people always don't think about the consequences when they make a choice but when the consequence hit them in the face they act scared. Like bitch you made the choice not me ok so now accept the karma.

"G..uards attack them" Jonny boy said shitting his,pants

With lightning-fast reflexes, I and cas make our moves in perfect synchrony, years of training evident in every precise strike and evasive maneuver. Surrounded on all sides, we remain calm and focused, our backs against each other as we prepare for the onslaught.

The first wave of attackers lunges forward, but we were ready. Cas unleashes a barrage of swift kicks and punches, while I gracefully dodges incoming blows, my movements fluid and graceful. Together, we create a whirlwind of action, our bodies moving in a deadly dance as we "fight" his gaurds

The gaurds were becaming relentless, closing in from all angles with weapons drawn. But we refuse to back down, our determination showing with every punch and kick.

"DO you guys even know how to fight? You punch like a girl"cas said laughing "guys he is trying to escape from the the back door " "on it " I said while running after him. Soh told me a shortcut due to which I cut his path

He tried to run away but couldn't. He didn't even put a fight when I captured him

"Good you know running is useless" I said in a very calm voice
"I am sorry. Please give me 1 more chance I will make up for my mistake please don't kill me" he said shivering from fear

"You know the rules. If you break one of ours you know what will happen to you"cas said catching up to me

"You can have him cas as it's your turn today" I said leaving and not looking back even after hearing his bloody screams.

"Good job guys" soh said
I went back to the stage and freed all the people from the ropes
They thanked me profoundly. "Do you all have somewhere to go?"
I heard some yes and some no " ok don't worry everyone. People who have nowhere to go can go to this place" I said giving them a address " It's like a shelter home which will help you  until you can get back on your feets " they thanked me again and went there merry way.

"See you guys. You know were to come" I said into the earpiece and went to our cliff.

Yes you read that right "our cliff". It's like a comfort place for us as it's really peaceful. You can see the entire of Manchester from here which looks so beautiful in night. You can also see the stars in the sky. It's just beautiful.

I heard some footstep behind me " took your sweet time you two"
" well we couldn't decide on wine or vodka so we brought both"
It's also like our little tradition that after we take out a rapists gang or human trafficking rings or something like those we get super drunk


Soo what do you guys think of this chapter pls tell me in the comment?

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Have a nice day/night

Till next time

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