Ch 10

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They stray devil begins to fondle it's breast as magic circles emerge and shots blasts of demonic power out. Koneko and rias dodge the blast as issei narrowly avoided the blast of demonic power. The blast ends up melting the wall behind issei.

" this is some kind of fucked up porno I don't want to be in. " says issei while looking a bit scared and nervous.

"Kiba." Says rias and without another word Kiba charges the stray devil.

To other people it seems he vanished but he is simply moving at high speeds. To them at the very least but to you it looks as if he is moving in slow mo.

Kiba appears infront of the stray devil and in two quick cuts he dismembered the devil of two of her arms. ' seems to me like the knight does have some decent skills but lacks power. '

"Arrrrgghhh" the devil screams in pain from Kiba attacks. The chest of the stray devil opens up and reveals a large mouth with sharp teeth.

Koneko steps forward standing infront of the devil. Issei tells her to be careful but she completely ignored him.

The devil charge forward to Koneko trying to swallow her up which koneko didn't even bother to stop. The stray devil begins to laugh as it thinks it killed her but stops as koneko opens the jaws wide open. She seems to be relative unharmed except for her clothes, which are now ruined showing her white panties and bra.

I look at koneko with confusion.
' why didn't you just dodge and then attack you wasted a good pair of clothes.'
I think to myself.

Koneko uppercuts the devil with a lot of strength for someone her size knocking her down into a pillar.

Rias turns to look at akeno calling on her. "Akeno."

" Oh is it my turn how exciting I so love this game. " she says as she walks towards the downed devil as electricity is cackling through her finger tips.

While everyone thought the stray devil was done for it launches a suprise attack on rias catching her and almost everyone by surprise.

Issei reacts quickly summoning his sacred gear to save rias however before he gets there multiple small beams of gold energy of intense heat fly right by him melting the limb of the stray devil off saving rias.

rias looks at me and gives me a nod of thanks for saving her. " akeno finish it. " she says to her queen.

I put my arm back down and disperse the ki I built up in my finger tip. ' mabye i should of let the stray devil hit her i would of liked to see that mabye next time. ' I think to myself.

Akeno begins to electrocute the deil with lightning  while having a look of pleasure on her face. ' right I almost forgot she is a sadist. ' I think to myself with disgust. I don't know how people can take pleasure in people's pain.

" akeno I think she is done for. " said rias to akeno, which made her stop electrocuting the stray devil.

" ahh over already and here I was starting to enjoy myself. " said akeno with a big smile on her face from enjoying the pain she was inflicting onto the stray devil.

Rias walked over to the stray devil " any Last words. "

"Go. To. Hell." The stray devil said in a hateful voice.

Rias only smirked at the downed devil and deployed her magic circle getting ready finish off the stray. " Well, then let's get this over with. " is all she says as she blasts the stray with the power of destruction.

She turns to look at me with a prideful look. " well that should of proven to you just how capable we are. "

I just sigh as I get off the wall I was leaning on. " the only thing you have proven to me is that all of you are nothing but low class devils. " I say harshly to all of them. Rias and akeno seemed the most offended so did Kiba but he hid it and koneko still had that blank look. Issei just stood off to the side and watched.

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