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Mushu's day starts out like any other he wakes up and gets ready to make breakfast for Hikari.

He has been doing this since he came to live with her he has pretty much become her caretaker in a way since her mother left her to go back to heaven.

' mmh mmh I wonder what should I cook for today?  She has been working really hard. I should add extra meat she'll enjoy that. '

Mushu begins to get to work levitating the pots and pans. He works quickly, not taking too long but not rushing it. Soon, everything is finished and plated.

'' mmh a good job if I do say so myself. " says mushu as he looks at the food he made.

In the beginning, when he first started to cook for Hikari, the food was bad real bad but it has greatly improved, and he has taken pride in his chef skills.

*beep *beep*

The alarm in Hikari's room starts to go off.

'Just on time' the small dragon floats around waiting for her to come down, but she doesn't as the alarm keeps going off.'

*beep* *beep*

The sound of the alarm starts to annoy mushu he flies up to her room to wake her himself. ' I know she is a deep sleeper, but come on. ' he opens her door going in.

" How long are you planning on sleeping in it isn't healthy. " The dragon starts to berate her but soon realizes the room is empty and she is nowhere to be seen.

" Hikari," he takes another look around, not seeing he leaves. He flies to the extra rooms. 'Not there.' He checks the small dojo they have. ' Not here, either. ' As he is flying down the hallways, he spots her outside in the backyard.

' Oh, there she is. ' he stops and calls her out but stops as he sees Hikari meditating.

Hikari is sitting under the large cherry tree in the backyard sitting crisscross with her hands on her knees.

Mushu takes a good look at her as a fiery orange glow emanating around her. The aura is not spread out but rather controlled and held close to her like another layer of skin.

' that aura of hers is intense and powerful yet controlled like a river always flowing, never stopping. ' A huge grin comes across his face as he watches.

' She truly is a prodigy. she is close to mastering senjustsu. ' mushu goes over to her and brings her back to reality.

She opens her eyes and looks at him with bright orange eyes. " huh mushu what do you want also? Wait, why is it morning? " She asks as she looks up at the sun.

The dragon just laughs. She must have been out here all night. " cause it is moring  school starts in thirty minutes. "

At what the dragon said, her eyes go wide as she sprints to the shower to get ready. " Why didn't you tell me earlier."

'Geez, he could of told me sooner.' I step out of the shower and look at the mirror. I look mostly like my mother. I'm 5,7, with a slim yet fit body and a medium-sized chest. i have a cute yet beautiful face, flawless skin, and short black hair. The only thing that is different would be my eyes they changed to this orange color when I was training with the youkai. It was when I first trained in senjustsu that I didn't know how to control it, and it went wild harming me in the process. When I woke up, they were this color.

I got out of the shower and quickly scarfed down my food and rushed to school as I was running late. I sprinted most of they way there, making it to school with five minutes to spare.

' Ha made on time. ' I walk through the school gate, but as I do, I hear gasps and the look of shock on people's faces.
' There not looking at me right. '

I turn around to see what all the commotion is abou,  and it is rias and issei walking next to each other.

"Noo way that's not possible. "

" he must've done something or
paid her. "

"Is the world ending? "

The gossip didn't stop from the students. Many of them couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Rias and issei pass by me and glance my way. Rias seems fine as if nothing happened. Issei seems a little down, but he seems to be coping with his new reality now, at least.

' I wonder what Rias said to issei after I left. ' I think as I watch them go there separate ways. I head onto my class but stop as I see mastuda issei's friend land a right hook square on his face causes issei's face to kiss the wall HARD.

' Ouch, that had to hurt. ' I couldn't help but get a big smile on my face as I continued to walk to class, but it shortly turned into a frown. ' it's nice to have friends like that. '

I must admit it is lonely here. I have yet to make a single friend here. Seems easy is what you are thinking right it is not. I haven't had much of a chance to talk to normal humans in my life. I was raised in the supernatural, and I don't want to end up dragging people who aren't connected to it into my life.

The closest I had to friends was the youkais when I was training with them, and that is about it. They treated me like royalty and made sure not to get too close to me or use my name to their own benefit. I clench my fist in determination. ' That's it. I'll make a friend while I'm here no matter what an actual friend. '

I get to class, and it passes by as usual. Murayma and katasae come up to me.

" Hey Hikari, me and katasae were curious if you could stop by the Kendo Club and help us out again. we have a tournament coming up, and we want to be prepared. "  says murayma with a kind smile on her face.

I am well known with the members of the Kendo Club as I help them out with their swordsmanship from time to time.
They gave up on recruiting me and settled for me helping them.

" Sure, I don't mind. I don't have anything planned for the afternoon. " I get up to follow them out but stop as the girls start to scream as Kiba appears in the doorway.

" Hello, I hope I'm not disturbing anybody. I just need to borrow issei and Hikari. " says Kiba as he flashes his pretty boy smile. Causing the girls around him to blush.

I turn to bow to murayma and katasae, who are now pouting as I go with issei and Kiba. " I promise I'll make it up to you guys later. Sorry. "

Me, issei, and Kiba make our way to the orc club room.

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