Ch 1

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'I really don't know why mother gave me this job I know I said I wanted to help her but here I am stuck babysitting devils. '

I am currently enrolled into kouh academy undercover watching the two heirs rias Gremory and sona sitri. This has been a very tiresome six months for me.

Well not completely boring as of late it finally seems like things are starting to get interesting. I look over to my left and sitting there is issei hyoudou.

' Poor issei he doesn't know but almost every supernatural being in kouh has there eyes on you '

He has the attention of rias Gremory and the fallen angels that are currently here.
I could sense a powerful sacred gear in him much more clearly than what rias can it is a sacred gear dragonic in nature once you know that it isn't all that hard to guess what he has seeing as God did not favor dragons there aren't many dragonic sacred gears especially of that power so it is one of the two heavenly dragons and the vanishing dragon already found a host he probably has the boosted dragon.

I almost couldn't believe it slowly over time his sacred gear started to awaken alerting the supernatural. Of its presence now it is a matter of time.

' Will the fallen get to him or will the devils. oh finally some excitement. ' I think to my self I have been very bored here for a while I have only kept myself entertained killing a few strays here and there but I had to stop that as the devils were catching on.

*ring* *ring* the bell signaling that Class was over started to ring and with that many of the students got up and left me included.

As I walked down many of the students looked my way fawning over me and some jealous of my beautiful looks.

"Ah the princess looks as beautiful as always. "

" I would love to date her. "

" you think I could be friends with the princess. "

The students talked about me as I walked down the hallways. The princess of kouh is the title they have given me when I first came to this school cause I looked and act like a princess which isn't to far from the truth actually. I am one sort of if my father was a god then yes I would be one but that is not the case. I am a demigod half human half God my mother is the leader of the shinto faction amaterasu my father is a normal human they met by chance when she came down to visit the human world and fell in love and had me.

I am not like most demigods as my mother was there to raise me for most of my life until a few years ago where she had to go back since she neglected her duties for to long.

I keep walking down the hallways and as I do I pass the two great onee-samas of kouh.' Seriously could they not come up with better nicknames or what. ' as we pass by rias gremory she gives me a quick glance before continuing on. 'Ugh I really hate being near devils there souls are so dark and full of sin it is uncomfortable to just be near them for me.

''Akeno who was that we just passed by." Asked a red haired beauty.

" Oh that would be Hikari she joined last semester why do you sense a sacred gear in her." Asks Akeno in a curious voice.

" no not quite I don't feel anything out of the unusual just a feeling is all. " she says shaking her head

" if you say so rias. "

I make my way outside heading to my usual spot that I spend my breaks. It is a tree that is tall and strong. I climb up it laying down on a brach as I aimlessly scroll through my phone. Enjoying the peace and quiet of my break.


The screaming of girls fawning over Kiba interrupts my break.

I turn my head in that direction. Kiba the knight of rias Gremory. He holds a similar title to me the prince. From what I have gathered about him he is the sole survivor of some curch experiment.

I look down from Kiba to a group of three boys with a gloomy air around them as Kiba passes by. Ah yes the infamous perverted trio consisting of issei motohanma and matsuda. The bald headed one gets up to leave and the other two follow him.

' those idiots just don't learn do they. ' I think as I observe them heading over to the changing room of the kendo club.


I look down to the base of the tree I am in and see sona sitri followed by the other members of the student council.

' oh great is it to much to ask for some peace and quiet. '

" look I already know what you are going to say. "

" if you already know then get down from there if I allow you to do this it sets a bad example for the rest of the students here. "

Here she is the other devil that is ruling kouh. If I am to be honest I like her alot more compared to rias she is straight forward and competent in what she does and she has stuck to the rules that they have to follow while here so I have no qualms with her. Well expect she has a stiff personality.

' man she just doesn't quit. '

I get down from the tree I have found it better to not go against her it simply isn't worth the energy and effort. I start to walk away heading elsewhere However I turn around and say one last thing to her.

" you know sona you might get a boyfriend if you took that stick out of your ass hahaha. "

Sona has a look of shock on her face before quickly regaining her composure. Her group on the other hand were upset at my comment and if not for sona stopping them they probably would of went after me.

" sona let me go teach her a lesson. " says tsubaki in a serious tone.

" forget it tsubaki let's go we have other matters to attend to. "

"Ah well I still have some time before we need to go back to class what should i do." It is then that I remembered the perverted trio heading over to the kendo club.

I head over there and stay back a bit out of view and watch them. Glasses and baldy are hogging the peeping hole not allowing issei to get a look no matter how much he tried to worm his way in to see.

They start to make a racket that the girls inside notice.

"Oh snap run for it " says baldy and Glasses making a break for it towards my direction pushing issei over in the process.

The two perverts keep running but I stop them by kicking Glasses and punching baldy in the gut knocking them over.

I grab them by the collar of there shirt and drag them over to where the kendo girls are surrounding issei.

"Scuse me ladies but I thought you would like to have the other culprits as well. "

" of course those two would be involved to thank you Hikari. " said one of the girls with a voice full of disgust.

" Oh don't worry about it I just so happened to be in the area well have fun with them. "

" in the area my ass you gorilla you ambushed us. " said the perv with the glasses

' gorilla, gorilla how dare this person call me, me of all people a gorilla. ' on second thought I was planning on just leaving you guy to your fates but I have a change of plans.

" katasae do you have a sword to spare. " I ask as there is now a sinister air around me. Fear is now apparent on the perverts faces as they could guess what will be coming next.

" h-h-hold on now your not serious are you. "

One of the girls hands me a wooden sword and I just look at them with a look of anger.




There screams where heard across the the school that day.

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