Introduction Of Life

Start from the beginning

Age: 26

Arrived from: Gwacheon

Discovered: In a hospital standing in front of a window.

Ability: To use metal rode, knives and guns.

Good at cooking.
Not fully polite and slightly rude.

Act like a narcissist.

Take care of everyone because he thinks he is the oldest.

Sometimes chaotic.


Life 3- Kim Namjoon

Life 3- Kim Namjoon

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Age: 24

Arrived from: Ilsan

Discovered from: suddenly arrived from nowhere and invited two people to stay with them.

Ability: Can use a knife.

Good at shooting.

Impressive physical fighting skills.
Take care of everyone and especially of his brothers and y/n.

Calm but sometimes wish to kill himself because of the chaos around him.

Never forgive the one gave pain to his love once.. You know how mercilessly he killed the zombie who tried to suffocate y/n..


Life 4- Kim Taehyung

Life 4- Kim Taehyung

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Age: 22

Arrived from: Daegu

Discovered from: In a hospital and the one who wanted Yoongi and y/n out.

Ability: To use a knife and guns.

Soft and kind.

Chaotic.. Super chaotic..

Loud and energetic.

Second happy pill of the team.

Fake cry baby..

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