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I walked towards them and smacked them straight in their head.

They wince in pain and move away from me.

"Let's just go and make the project" lucas says.

"That's what I was trying to say the whole time but No, you guys were dying to get smacked"

"Yea yea let's go, Jennie do you want me to get you anything for your project? I can get you that" taehyung says

"No, have you made your project with Natalie? And how was your date?" I ask trying not to get jealous.

Fuck this avoiding thing. I want to fight for him. I won't let Natalie have him. I have had a fucking huge crush on him. I can't just give up without even trying. What if I regret it?

"Well about that, we-"

"CAN WE GO NOW" Lucas shouts from inside.

"Yea, we're coming" i shout back.

"I asked for kelly green not tea green" lucas shouts at tae.

"They are literally the same and green is green. Go get it yourself if you have a problem" tae says calmly

"You son of bitch" lucas swears

"Shut up, you Don't even know my mother. And dare to say that infront of her, she will pour cement in your mouth and then will crack it open with a hammer"

Rosé and I start laughing like seal.

"I can totally imagine it happening" i say imagining the results. That woman is scary! My mom is nothing in infront of her.

"Guys I am back" I look at the door to see my mother standing with a box of chocolate cake. Yum!

I immediately run to her amd snatch that cake. I am gonna eat this all. Cake you're gone. Muahahahaha-

"Oww what was that for?" I ask because my mom smacks me straight at the back of my head.

"You are not gonna eat that whole thing, you have to share with them"

"Kids, would you all like some juice?" She asks

"Yes, ofcourse Thank you my sweet young lady with five white hair" Rosé bows.

My mom slaps her arm playfully.

"I'll be right back"

When this Maths period will be over? I am so hungry. My stomach is crying for food.


Yes! Yes! Yes! Food food! Let's get it...

"I have something to tell you, can we talk for a moment?" Lucas hold my hand to stop me.

Bro, not now. I am dying for food. This bitch has a wrong timing.

"Yes, sure. What is it that you want to say?"

"Let's get food Jennie" Taehyung interrupts shooting daggers at him with his eyes.

"We will talk later. Let's get food for now" for the first time in my life i have seen lucas this disappointed.

What is the matter with him? What the-
Don't tell me he has only 5 months to live.

Taehyung holds my hand and drags me to somewhere where there are not many people.

"What did that jerk say to you?"

"Sorry, what?"

"What did that dickhead say to you?"

"Why are you so against him taehyung and He was about to say something but he got interrupted in the middle" i say as a matter of fact.

"Why? Are you sad that he didn't get the chance to confess?"

"What? What did you say? Confess?" I ask dumbfounded.

"He didn't tell you this?"

"What? He likes me?!?!?" I gasp.

"Why are you so surprised! By any chance, do you also like him?" He asks .

"Why does it matter to you, you are going out with Natalie Anyway" i said. Fuck!

"Why are you so clueless- wait who told you that I am going out with Natalie?"

"Well, i am sorry for eavesdropping but I heard your conversation with her when she asked you on a date with her and you said yes" I say embarrassed.

"You did?!?!?"

"I gotta go" i am trying real hard to control my tears. I just want to go away from him.

He is shouting my name from behind but i am running towards the class.

I open the classroom door with a thud but no one really paid attention. Great classmates!

Ughhhhh i wanted to eat food but now because of those fuckers...i am starving!

Taehyung enters the class and runs towards me.

He holds my hand and drags me outside the class.

"Where are you taking me?" I shout while running.

He dosen't reply and continues to drag me.

✔All Started With Sugar [Taennie Adaption]Where stories live. Discover now