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'look there but don't make it obvious, they came together today'

'what a slut!'

'how did she manipulate taetae?'

'why is she with tae?'


'i think she doesn't know tae belongs to me, i will teach her a lesson'

"Shut the fuck up!" I shout making the whole corridor silent

Tae flinches from my tone and then puts a hand on his heart.

I would have laughed if the situation wasn't very serious.

Suddenly Tae holds my hand and we start start walking towards our first class.

No stop it! Bitch do you want me to die from heart attack?

"Just don't listen to them, they are not worth it" i just smile at those words and leave his so that the teacher won't make a scene when we enter our class.

He gestures towards the class for me to walk in first. I nod.

"May we-"

"Ooh look who is here!" The teacher says cutting me off.

"You both are 15 mins late" and the she looks at me "Jennie, for once try to come early and see how it feels to be early, okay so this is the 25th time i m asking you this month" she inhale "why are you late?" She exhales. Why does she always do that?

"Ma'am, this is the earliest I have ever been late" i say trying to understand my own words.

"Huh? Na leave it just don't- Taehyung what is your reason?"

" You're just early" he says looking at the teacher.

"Why do i even ask?" She turns her face towards the board and we enter the class.

I walk towards Rosé. She smirks at me.

"I knew it i knew it i knew i-"

"Shut the fuck up"

"So, any progress?" She asks poking me with her pen.

"Ouch" i slap her pen away.

"Tell me bitch, i need every single detail, why did you come together? Why were you both holding hands?" And then she gasps "Are you secretly pregnent?"

"What the hell are you saying?" I shout. Her imagination is very wild.

"I don't wanna teach this class, i am giving my resignation lettet today" the teacher whines.

"Really?" One student asks excitedly and stands up and starts jumping.

The teacher and Ryan aka the class's nerd and teacher's pet sigh together.


Lunch? This is lunch period? Lunch?

Yasss Bitch!

I stand up and take my food out which my mom packed because school's food is trash!

I see tae coming towards me.

Should i run?

Nah! If i will ignore him again, we will become strangers again.

Let's just face him.

"Let's go the cafeteria" Jimin shouts at tae from his seat. He starts dragging him in the opposite direction. I just stand there awkwardly.

"Let's goooo i m hungry" Rosé says almost crying. This girl always hungry!

"Hey, i think you dropped this" a boy says from behind and i turn to look at the source of the voice and when i turn i get SHOCKED.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" I shout from excitement.

✔All Started With Sugar [Taennie Adaption]Where stories live. Discover now