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Knock Knock!

Must be my mom.

"The door is open, you can come in" i said looking at my book.

The door opens revealing Taehyung in his black pajamas and headband.

"What are you doing here at this time? It's 2 in the morning" not that i am complaining or something!

" I just wanted to tell you something for a long time but never really got chance. I um um well I wanted to know if you are well" He said

"That's it? I mean just that?" I said looking at him curiously.




"Can you say it faster" ooo! Where is this confidence coming from?

"I like you" He says and takes a step towards me. Just as i move back he takes hold of my hand and pulls me towards him and I hit his hard chest.

That's hard. Heh!


What did he say?

"What?" I question him getting shocked.

He doesn't answer instead stares at my lips.

He leans towards me and i close my eyes.
He is about to kiss me and-

"Ahhhhh" i shout as someone pours a bucket of water on me.

"Finally, you woke up. I was trying to wake you up by shouting your name for the Last 30 minutes but you were so engrossed in your sleep that you were mumbling and talking to yourself" a very frustated Kai says.

"Oh" i said and started laughing.

"Why are you laughing now?"

"I just got fooled, i fooled myself. Actually no, my sleep pranked me. Wait what?" I am confusing myself now. Lol

"Did you drink alcohol last night?" He gasps "you take drugs?" He says covering his open mouth in shock.

"Shut up" I say glaring at him " anyways, what time is it now?" I rub my eyes and yawn.

"You are 5 minutes late"

"And you are waking me up now?" I shout

"Geez, calm down gal"

I went straight into the bathroom after smacking him on the head.

"You are gonna regret this Jennie"


"Stop pffting"


"Jennie, again?"

"Sorry ma'am, actually I got-"

"I don't wanna hear it just go take a seat. At this point I don't care anymore" the teacher says in a bored tone.

"Okay okay" the teacher glares at me.

"Sorry, i'll just go to my seat"

I go to my seat and look at Rosé. Why is she so giddy today? She is smiling like a fool looking at the teacher.

'Rosé, Are you bi or lesbian?" I whisper to her.

This question caught her off-guard.

"What are you saying, No I am not but I can become one just for you" she Whispers back and winks at me.

I gag.

"But seriously, why are you saying that?" She asks.

"You are smiling like an idiot looking at the teacher for no fucking reason, so I thought you had a crush on the teacher."

"Ha-ha look at her now look at me" she Whispers.

"Okay, true" I laugh.

"But you really don't know why I am smiling?"

"No, i can't read mind" she rolls her eyes.

"Weren't you in the class when we were getting paired?"

"I was there and I got paired with Lucas, the new boy"

"I know that, but do you know who I got paired with?"

"How will i know? Do you think I keep record for each and every student"

"Dang, that hurts. One sec, who is Taehyung's partner?" She raises her eyebrows.

"That stupid Natalie bitch" I say remembering yesterday's class. I am about to cry.

"Do you think I keep record for each and every student?" She mocks me and I roll my eyes.

"Who is your partner?" I ask her in bored tone.

"Both of you in the back, shut up" the teacher shouts startling Rosé. Ha! I m used to it.

"I'll tell you in lunch" she whispers. I nod.

✔All Started With Sugar [Taennie Adaption]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant