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"Why are you here" tae asks Jackson.

But jack is not in the mood to tell him instead he hugs him again.

Tae well... Doesn't like PDA so he tries to push him. No double meaning here.

"C'mon it's been so many year and still you don't like getting hugged?" Jackson says cupping tae's cheeks to which tae slaps his arms away as an answer.

Hugged? Bruh

"I came here prepared" he takes out a small book from his back "just give me a minute" he opens the book and i move to the right to see the title of the book.

'how to hug someone who doesn't like to hug but you are very much in need of a hug?'

How the fuck does the author fit that very long title on the cover page of a very tiny book.

"One minute, i am just going to find a solution, wait up" Jackson says looking at tae adorably.

"Throw.that.away" tae says giving jack a hard glare.

But Jackson is so focused that he just gives tae his hand as a sign to not disturb him.

Oh boy!

Tae snatches it and throws it away.

"Now answer, why are you here?" Tae says calmly like he did nothing just now. Why is he like that, bro?

Michael Jackson pouts.

Haha! Jk

Jackson pouts "you don't want me here?" He says almost crying.

"No no that's not what i meant, i just wanted to know i-i really i umm" tae says panicking.

Jackson grins "haha fooled you, you care for me aww" Jackson say.

Tae looks irritated now as he says "you make me wish i had more middle fingers"

" I can't wait to tell this story to my grandchildren that there was once a cold bowl of soup who secretly loved a very handsome, cheerful sweetheart boy but wasn't able to express it so the handsome, cheer-"

"Do you take drugs before you start talking because i think you're high af!" tae asks Jackson with a disbelieving tone.

"Hush up! You love me!" Jackson says with hearts in eyes.

"The trash gets picked up tomorrow, be ready!" Tae says laughing at his own statement


"what do you mean?" Jackson being Jackson didn't understand that.

"I said, you're dumb" tae says noticing me.


I thought i was invisible, they weren't even looking at me.

They didn't look at me even once.

"Since when are you here?" Tae asks me.

"Since you two were acting lovey-dovey" i grin.

Tae sighs and shakes his head disbelievingly.

"Are we gonna eat or not?" Jackson whines.

"Stop whining, you look stupid"

I am standing in line to get my food because Jackson took my lunch box from me, I don't know when..

Tae and Jackson have already went to their table, they even started eating.


"Hi, Are you Jennie?" Someone says from behind me.

I turn to look at the boy who said that.

"Yes?" I question him raising my eyebrows.

"I am new here, a transfer student. The principal asked me to ask you to give me a school guide" he says nervously.

He looks like a model. This boy has a genius face. Not only he looks musculine but also looks very polite.

"Um, sure" i said but it's lunch time "after i eat".

"I came here with another student but I can't find him he asked me to wait but then it's been 1 hour he never showed up" i know who he is talking about.

"What's your name, by the way?" I ask him moving a step in the line and the boy follows me.

✔All Started With Sugar [Taennie Adaption]Where stories live. Discover now