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"I bought it for you" Taehyung said looking at the helmet. Woah! That is shocking

"For me?" i say pointing at myself. Why will he buy the helmet for me?

"Um yeah, i thought- i will explain it to you some other time" Taehyung says sitting on his bike completely red faced

"Ok" I say holding his shoulders and sitting carefully on his bike. I feel something inside my stomach when i touch him. Ooo butterflies!

"Hold me tightly, you might fall off" i hold him from his stomach and put my hands in his jacket's pocket. Now, it is my favourite thing to do.

He starts his bike and heads to the direction of my house.

We reach after 15 minutes because our school is not that far from our house.

I hand him the helmet.

"I am coming to your house because my mom is there. I have to inform her that we are going to eat kimchi and ramen outside" tae says after parking his bike in front of my house.

His mom and my mom as i said previously are best of friends. Sometimes Mrs. Kim comes at our house and sometimes my mother goes to her house. They are like really close.

"Ok, wait ramen? You only asked for kimchi" he ignores me and opens the front door. Karma is a bitch! I think i should stop ignoring Kai.

When we go inside we see Mrs. Kim and my mom are wearing mask with cucumber on their eyes. As usual.

"Mom, Jennie and I are going to some restaurant, can we go?" He asks

Mrs kim and my mom removes their cucumbers and at looks at Taehyung shocked.

"You are taking my daughter-in law on a date? Finally you-" Mrs. Kim tries to say something but panicked Taehyung cuts her mid-sentence.

"No no no no she lost a bet" he says. One no was okay! And why you lying, why you ALWAYS lying?

"I thought you finally got the guts-"

"No mom, please!"
What is she talking about?

"So can we go?" I ask looking at my mom who is smiling weirdly. Why is everyone acting so weird?

"Of course you can" my mother says and they give each other high five and starts laughing.

Taehyung turns beet-root red. dude he blushes a lot! I think he didn't understand the concept yet. IT'S MY FREAKING JOB TO BLUSH!

"We are going" with that Taehyung starts moving and i follow him out.

"Why are you blushing?" I ask him trying not to laugh.

"Shut up" he says not looking me in the eye.

I chuckle and tae glares at me.

"Sorry, let's go now"

We both sit on his bike and Taehyung starts it. Man, i love his jacket!

"Come late!" My mom shouts looking down from the window.

"We are just going to eat kimchi" i shout back at her.

Taehyung and i wave at both of them before taking off.


✔All Started With Sugar [Taennie Adaption]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora