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"Are you coming?"

"Jennie Can we make the project today at your place?" Lucas intervenes.

"I asked her first" tae says looking at lucas with frustration.

"I asked her second, It's her choice Man. Let her decide. If she wants to make a project then we will" lucas shrugs.

"Jennie, what do you want to do?" Tae asks with a clam tone.

What? Now I have to decide whether I will go with tae's idea or lucas' Idea. Oh dude! Are they stupid or something. My head is going to explode now.

I look around the classroom, they all are doing their own work even though this drama is going on. Wow! What a dedication. Keep it up guys! Amazing classmates.

I look at Rosé for help. She raises her eyebrow. I blink to send her the signal. She winks back. Oh this dumb bitch!
I shake my head and then point at lucas and then taehyung with my eyes. She finally understands and forms an 'o' with her mouth.

"People, I have a brilliant idea. Why don't we hang out at Jennie's place today. I mean if you guys are okay with it. Taehyung and I can also help you both with your project. Hmm? What say guys?"

The class starts hooting and everyone is clapping at this moment. Rosé waves at everyone and bows.

I take my words back. Weird classmates!

"Yes" Lucas shouts " I mean why not, It's a good Idea"

And then he murmurs something.

"Fine with me" Taehyung says. My plan was to avoid him and will stick to my plan. I really don't wanna get hurt.


*Sigh* Oh boy...I am gone!

My doorbell rings.

"Go open it, must be tae or lucas" I say to Rosé who is lying on my bed like a dead body munching on chips.


After a minutes my room door opens and lucas and tae both tries to get in together. They both are stuck in between the door. What the fuck are they competing for?

"Just come inside guys" i say.

"Let me go first" lucas says.

"Never" tae replies with determination in his eyes.

"JUST COME INSIDE MY FUCKING ROOM" I shout shocking tae and lucas. Rosé goes to lie on my bed with the packet of chips.

"Um, I mean you are welcome guys, why don't you come in. It's a great pleasure to have you both at my home together" i smile.

They both are looking at me with their mouth open.

"Where is your Mom?" Tae asks.

"Must be at your house, don't worry I already informed her about this. She readily agreed"

"Cool" he says.

"Let's go sit outside" lucas intervenes.

"Yeah, ok" i say standing up.

I ask them to take their bean bags and we walk to the garden where my mom has planted her favourite plants and trees. She loves gardening so my dad decided to have a garden for her obsession.

"Woah, this is crazy" lucas says looking everywhere in the garden like a kid.

"You are coming for the first time right?" Tae says more like taunts.

"Yeah and it definitely won't be my last time" lucas says with a smug look.

"Maybe this will be your last and final time dickhead" tae says says pushing his shoulder with his hand. Lucas stumbles because of the effect.

"What the fuck did you just call me, you Mother fucker" lucas launches his fist into taehyung's face and he falls on  the ground.

Tae stands up wipes the blood off his nose and then kicks lucas in the stomach, he vomits blood. I look at Rosé, she is looking like she is about to faint any moment now.

Tae punches lucas and now he falls on the ground, tae takes this chance to climb on lucas, he utters a series of cusses and they both start fighting again.

Suddenly Rosé starts shaking me, what the fuck is she doing? I tell her to stop but she is still shaking me holding my shoulders. Has she gone mad or what?

She slaps me and I come back to the real world, was I daydreaming? I look at tae and lucas having a verbal fight and then I realise, they are the biggest cowards ever and don't even have the courage to kill a cockroach. I thought I will get to see a fight todays. I have never seen a fight with blood spread everywhere. I am disappointed!

"You poo on a stick" lucas taunts tae.

"You fuck nugget"

"Dick fucker"

"Cock womble"

"Shit bag"

Are they kids? What kind of words are they using? People literally?

"Guys, stop it" I say coolly.

They are still throwing childish cusses at each other. What the fuck? Did they just ignore me?

My blood is boiling now!

"Oh boy" Rosé says looking at me and then she backs off.

Now I am getting irritated. I don't think I can control this anymore.

I walk with rage in my eyes towards them and then -

✔All Started With Sugar [Taennie Adaption]Where stories live. Discover now