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Um..let me get this straight, my neighbour who has been my crush for 3 years is standing in front of me with a bowl in his hand.

Should I scream?
No no he will think i am crazy
What should i do now, kiss him?.. wha-

"Hey! I need sugar" he says gesturing to the bowl. What should i say now? I look at him with one eyebrow raised to play it cool and say the first thing that comes to my mind.

"Dude, i am out of sugar" after these words leave my mouth, i slam the door in his face and i hear "oww, what is your problem?" Oh shit!

What did i just do? what just happened? Why did i do that?

Taehyung has been my neighbour for about 10 years now and I never got the guts to talk to him face to face. His mother and my mother are best friends. But we never got any chance to talk. Once he tried to talk to me when my mom invited him and his mother for dinner but i excused myself saying that i had homework to do and ran into my room. Probably because i got nervous. That's the reason i never had a boyfriend.

I stare at the closed door for about 5 minutes and recall what happened just now but an annoying voice disturbs me.

"What's taking you so long? Did you forget that your best friend was sitting in your room for about 10 minutes? I feel like no one cares about me, i should really die" he says dramatically, wiping invisible tears from his eyes.

I stand up and scream in his ears.

"JEN WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING!!!" Kai shouts covering his ears and shutting his eyes.

"You won't believe what just happened" i tell him about the interaction that took place just now at the door with my crush. Kai looks at me not believing what i just told him.

"You slammed the door in his face?" He asks disbelievingly. "and you didn't even give him sugar"

"I freaked out" was my simple answer. I just want to die after what just happened. How can i be so stupid? Why am i asking so many questions today? ..Again

"You could have invited him inside, it was a golden opportunity or you could've talked to him" he says looking at me like i am stupid. Which i sure am!

"I freaked out" i say again

"Jennie you keep doing like this, how will you confess to him?" Kai asks worriedly.

Kai and I share everything from our crushes to our relationships (mostly his). He has a girlfriend, she is so sweet and my friend too since 4 years. Her name is Krystal, Kai and her have been dating for 2 years now. All the credit goes to me as i insisted Kai to meet Krystal after he broke up with his previous bitchy girlfriend.

"Who was that?" My mom asks coming out of her room

"Ha-ha no one, i think someone pranked us, i mean me yeah me" i say nervously. My mom gives me a look and goes back into her room. I sigh in relief.

I look at Kai and say "I am hungry please give me some foOOoOd"

Kai gives me a disbelieving look and start walking towards the kitchen.

I still don't know, how will I face taehyung tomorrow. He goes to my school and unfortunately he is in my class too.
Oh my freaking God!

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