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"Wakey wakey, don't wanna be late today" i instantly wake up and stand up after hearing that voice.

My eyes are not fully open but i could still recognise the person who said this, MY DAD!

"what a surprise, dad" i hug him so tight that he starts chuckling "i missed you so much, when did you arrive?" I asked him facing him.

"Eww first go brush your teeth, your breath smells horrible" he says pinching his nosed with his fingers and moving back from me "Oh God! I am worried about your husband" he adds.

I laugh and hug him again before going towards the bathroom to freshen up.

After took a bath and wore my school dress, i went downstairs and ran to hug my dad.

He rarely comes home, always on business trips. But comes to celebrate all the festivals with us. He is really a cool dad. By cool i mean he always sends me pics of boys and asks me if i am interested in any one of them. If i will say no then he will question me if i already have someone in my heart. which i sure have!

"Chill, i am not going anywhere for atleast 2 weeks.. for now" he says patting my back.

My mom joins and we group hug. A Happy family!

"Am i interrupting something?" A deep voice says from the door.

I look back, i see tae standing at my door in his school dress with his backpack hanging on his right shoulder and he is holding something in his hands. He looks at me and smiles then his eyes moves to dad and his smile widens.

He walks up to dad and hugs him after doing that stupid signature handshake, they invented. They do that dumb thing whenever they meet. I always used to go to my room whenever tae came to my house because i was stupid. And I still am!

"How have you been my favourite boy?" Dad says holding tae from his shoulders.

"I have been great" tae says looking at me. And my stomach explodes with elephants. They are definitely not butterflies because i feel like someone twisted my intestines.

Dad smirks at me and i look at him confused.

But the way tae looked at me. I really wanted to kiss the life out of him but i can't do that, at least not in this life.

"Aren't you guys getting late?" Mom says and i look at my watch.

"Yes, we are are late" and the i realise "SHIT! I AM LATE" and then i run. Man i love running and i love going late to my class.

"Hey hey JENNIE KIM, WAIT!! " Tae shouts from behind and i stop immediately.

"I bought this for you, take this" he hands me the box and i open it, there is a beautiful bracelet on which J is written.

"This is for me?" Tae nods.

"Thank you so much" i say and hug him.  While i am hugging him he is standing straight with his hands made in fist. After few seconds he awkwardly pats my back and i leave him.

I see his cheeks turning pink. Wait! Did i just hug him. Shit shit shit shit shit!

"Late....getting.... We.... Go....now" i say. What?

I want die at this moment.

And then i do the thing which i am great at. I run

"Where are you going without taking your bag, you want to study without your books today? Ok" i hear tae shout.

I turn, run back and snatch my bag from tae's hold and turn just bump into a familiar chest.

"I am also going to school, remember? Let's go together" tae says dragging me from my collar.

I am going to school with him? What will the students think if they will see us together.

Girls will go crazy and boys, umm i dont think they will give any shit but i think they will spread rumors.

But it will be so entertaining to watch all the girls species in our school looking mad.

I laugh like a mad person thinking all these crazy thoughts. Tae stops and looks at me. He gives me a weird look. I just smile.

He shakes his head and picks me up and makes me sit on his bike like small child and then he sits infront on me.


For the first time in my life, I am excited to go to school but..


And then we take off.

✔All Started With Sugar [Taennie Adaption]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora