Chapter 4. The Annoyance

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- Hiiii welcome back I was doing stuff so could not post thanks for reading so far!  Have a good day bye!-

* Neji leaves me house and I lock the door behind him*

Mind- Ahhhhhhh I hate Neji!

* I finish getting dresses and head downstairs and get some microwave ramen.  After that I grab my books and put my backpack on,  I grab my ramen and walk out the door. *

*We are now at the training academy *

* I walk into the room to see Naruto and Sasuke sitting in one of the booths.  Neji is reluctantly behind him.*

Kikashi- Y/n you're late!

Yeah yeah I know I am sorry...something came up.  * Neji coughed uncomfortably which made me give him a death stare*

Kikashi- ...ok but don't be late again.  Go sit by Neji and Naruto.


Kikashi- No Buts Go Now...!

B-bu- fine... .

* Sasuke and Naruto get up to let me into the booth.  I sit down next to Neji avoiding eye contact.   Naruto sits down the Sasuke.*

Mind- I am sitting in between 3 boys...I don't like it.

* A slight hint of red goes to my cheeks and the four of us squeeze in making me fall onto Nejis shoulder.  I right away fix my posture.  I grab my books from under the desk and open them up to take notes on class*

Naruto- Can I copy your notes?  * He leans over to face my face on the dest*

U-uh sure I guess... .


* He hugs me tightly into his chest.  I blush a little as I pat his back and he ends the hug.*

Yeah no problem Naruto...!

* Naruto copied my notes as I take them.  I look over at his hand writing *

Mind- His hand writing is so bad... .  

You know you should take writing classes...your hand writing needs work.  

Naruto- I know I know...but they are expensive for some reason?!?!

I can help you if you want..?

Naruto- Really?!  Sure I will take you up on that.  Come over to my house at 7:00. 


* The class ends and I start walking over to Naruto.  I arrived at an apartment and walk in to see a...messy apartment... .  I was not surprised.  I actually brought cleaning products for his house betting it would be like this.*


* I laugh a bit*  No problem!  * I hold up the cleaning supplies *

Naruto- You didn't need to do that!

No problem!

*  I put on my cleaning apron and try to tie it around my waist but I couldn't seem to get it.*

Naruto- Do you need help?

Well...n-no it's fine I can get it.

Naruto- I insist let me help you!

O-ok... . 

* Naruto comes up behind me and grabs the strings and starts to tie it behind my waist.  He cinches the waist and makes in into a bow.  I didn't realize how close he was to me*

* Naruto says this in my ear*  Naruto- There all done... .

* I shiver as I hear his words down my spine *

T-thanks Naruto.

* He goes back to his happy voice* Naruto- YEAH NO PROBLEM AND THANKS AGAIN!!

* I cover my ears as he yells.  I yell back from ear damage.*  YEAH NO PROBLEM!

* Naruto starts laughing as I throw water on him.  He does the same back* 

* We are now practically drenched *

* We hear a knock on the door*

*  I yell at the door*  WHO IS IT!  * I open the door still laughing at Naruto then look up.  I see Neji standing there seeing me drenched *

Neji- I-I should go... .

Get your head out of the gutter!*  I drag him inside about ready to throw him off the roof *

Neji- What the heck happened... .

* He looks around the room and sees cleaning supplies everywhere then sees me and Naruto drenched in water*

Neji- What...happened.

Naruto- She brought cleans supplies, then I teased her and she started throwing water at me and I threw it back.

* I looked at Naruto and pouted then started laughing and leaned on his shoulder *

 Neji- Ok... .

Naruto- Anyways why are you here I thought you didn't like me and Y/n was your rival...?

Neji- True * He sighs and I raise an eyebrow * but u forgot your notebook Y/n so I decided to drop it off.

Oh...thanks Neji

Neji- No problem,  I should go now.


* I just glare at Neji as he leaves and he glares back*

Now Naruto we should probably work on your writing now.

* Naruto whines as we walk up to his room* 

Naruto- Fine a place to sit and we can start.

Ok thanks.  * I sit down at the table in his room and get out my workbook and a pen*

* Naruto take the pen and start to write out sentences that I told him too*

No your doing it wrong that is why your sentences looks so bad.

* I get up and sit down right next to him. I grab his hand and show him how to write out the sentences while holding the pen in his hand*


Naruto- T-thanks Y/n

Yeah no problem!  I should get going now.

Naruto- Ok here let me walk you out.

Ok th-

* Before I could finish Naruto trips on a book and starts falling to the ground bringing me with him.  Before I knew it he was floor slamming me.*

* He was out of breath and still had his eyes closed.  All I could see was his face...his shirt...and his necklace dangling right above my nose... .  A huge blush covered my face as I covered my face with my hands.  Naruto finally looked down and saw me in a pink Sade of read lying there on the floor.  His face went bright red as he threw his self off me and sat by me panting.  I slowly get up still red in the face.*

N-Naruto... .

Naruto-  I I DIDN'T MEAN IT...I-I-I WAS F-FALLING THEN I-I....brought you down with me... .  I DIDN'T MEAN TO!

I-it's fine...let's just forget it happened...... .

Naruto- o-ok... .

* He stands up and lets out his arm for me to take it and I take his hand pulling myself up and he walks me out of the house.  We will have a small shade of pink on both of our faces as I say goodbye and leave his house.  It is about 10:00 pm now.  I get home and go to bed.*

* It is now morning.*

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