Chapter 1. Chivalry

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-Author here.  Hope you like the book!  Have fun.

* In the leaf village sitting on a bench with Naruto.* 

Naruto-  hey Y/N?


Naruto- Do you want to grab ramen tonight?

I mean...sure i guess but not for too long it is getting late ok?

Naruto- Deal!!!

*  We walk to the closest ramen shop.  When we get inside we see a Bushy brow,  a Tenten, and...the incompetent Neji.  I roll my eyes at Neji as i see them all look at us while we are sitting down.  A Bushy brow guy aka Rock Lee comes over to me and Naruto.*

Rock Lee-  HEY Y/N!!! * He was yelling so loud it almost broke my ears*

Y-yes Rock lee what would you like?

Rock Lee- Well...* He blushes slightly* HAVE YOU CONSIDERED GOING ON A DATE WITH ME!

* Again almost blowing my ears off my face*

Well...I am sorry but i still need to turn you down.   I don't like you.

Rock Lee- ...Ok...if you change your mind you know where to find me!

YES ok will do i will just look for the smell of incompetent Neji and you will be there!

Rock Lee- Righ- wait what?

* Me and Neji have a stare down as he was about to say something I FLIP my head away like i am not interested and i walk back to Naruto so Neji has been eyeing this hole time.*

Neji- Why i... .

* Me and Naruto order our food and sit down getting ready to eat.  Neji, Tenten, and Bushy brow stand up and get ready to leave the shop.*

Tenten- Have a good dinner guys!!!

Thank you Tenten!  * I glare at Neji before they all leave the shop.  Me and Naruto Finnish eating*

Naruto- It is getting pretty late I should walk you home.

Oh no it is fine i can walk by myself!

Naruto- No I insist 

Ok fine i guess.

* Naruto and I Leave the building and start to walk back to my house.  It is 11:30 right now and I am getting pretty tired.  I Start to sway with the wind as eventually fall over and get caught by Naruto.  He picks me up princess style.*

Naruto- I didn't think you were that tired Y/N.

I-I'm not can you just put me down it is weird. * I pout *

Naruto- If I put you down I don't know if you will be able to get back up! * He starts to laugh a bit*

Ha ha now put me down.

Naruto- Nope sorry no can do.!

* He is just teasing me now* 


Naruto- Nope Y/N you can stay right in my arms... 

* I blush slightly knowing i can't win... .*

Fine... .

Naruto- Good girllll


* We get to my house as Naruto opens my door.  I have fallen asleep in his arms.  He takes my up to my room and tucks me in before he leaves.*

* It is now morning and we have an assigned mission with team Might guy.  What will this bring...who knows.*

- Hiiiii how did you like the first chapter? Did you find out something interesting!!!  Hope you will read more AUTHOR OUT!-

Rivals Or Lovers.... ( Neji X Reader X Naruto )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora