The Final Frontier : Fragment 4

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With Marlborough

Marlborough now is on a place like floating islands, he is actually looks enjoying the view. But he must focus on his mission, find those cubes, save the Royal Navy, and eunite with his other T11 Bros. When he explore the islands he activate his riggings on to make sure if a hostile target approach he is already prepared, the part that makes him exhausted that the waters are going up and down like waterfalls. He even have tried many other waterfalls and fell down beforw he found the right one to take up.

Marlborough : " Ahh... that was tiring mate... that waterfall- " *sees some guardians of a very big building like the rome's colossums*

Marlborough : " Guardians huh ? *sees their look as goblins* Grrr ! They also has ugly shapes... like GOBLINS ! "

Guardians : *spawn more to 30 goblin guardians, before was only 6*

Marlborough somehow has a hate towards Goblin after someone from The Final Countdown ships show 'that' one anime or cartoon or anything that has Goblins on it. Turns out after that, he swears. Whenever he meet a goblin, he will chop their heads.

Marlborough : *sheath out his royal sword* " Come to me you bastards ! FOR THE QUEEN ! " *shows a yangire smile as he charge all the goblin guardians*

2 hours later

Can be seen behind him, a stack of headless goblin guardians that he have take their lifes out of their body, and his hands holding some of the elemental cubes he have retrieved.

Marlborough : " Now that's what i called... delightful ! Now... we better get going "

Inside the giant building

Marlborough saw many Royal Navy members in a sleeping bubble and looks sleeping to death. His eyes glare in anger when he saw Hood & Prince of Wales ( He actually has 2 girls that likes him and he like them both :o ) and especially her majesty. Queen Elizabeth who is stuck on a bubble with Warspite & Valiant also in there. He was confuse how to break the bubble, cause what he remembered from a story he ever read. These bubbles can't be destroyed using a sword or shells, but must use something more deep... faith and believing. So he put his sword back as he took of his gloves and slowly walk towards a bubble where his queen trapped inside there. He start speaking holy words from the bibble as his hand touch the bubble slowly and it's pop, the pop of the Queen's bubbles trigerred the other bubbles to brake. So he quickly picking up the Queen and her sisters first, but the others as they came out of the bubbles are waken up and can stand again.

Queen Elizabeth : " Marlborough ? " *asking while she was being princess carried*

Marlborough : " I'm... i'm sorry your majesty ! I'll put you down slowly... "

Queen Elizabeth : " Thank You... " ( God ! But i want more of him carrying me like that ! I am jealous to Hood or Wales who can have time for lovey dovey with him ! )

Marlborough : *sees Wales & Hood*
" Lady Hood ! Lady Wales ! You guys- " *gets sandwiched by them both* 

Wales & Hood : " WE MISS YOU MARLBOROUGH ! "

Marlborough : ( I got sadwiched by 2 womans ... ^v^ )

Marlborough : " Okay everyone ! We must- ARGH !!! " *feels the cyber corruption*

Wales & Hood : " Marlborough ?! "

Marlborough : *sees in his mind*

In the past life...

The ancients build a strong powerful weapon like railgun ....

The ancients build a strong powerful weapon like railgun

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