The Promised Moment Myoko ♥️ Takao

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Author note : In these types of stories ( The Promised Moment ) it will be like this, it will tell atleast 1 or more dating story and then the marriage to shorten up. Sorry for this news guys.

One day in the Azur Lane base

We can see a daily normal day in Azur Lane, nothing special things happening. And let's see they doing their stuffs.

1st with Missouri

Missouri was on his home Watching television with his son the Virgina class Missouri, his wife Arizona was on the kitchen probally cooking something for lunch time. Missouri 11 was doing a crossword puzzle, Missouri 1841 was also enjoying the show on the television.

Arizona : " Okay everyone ! Is lunch time ! "

At the dining table

Missouri 11 : " Good cooking as always Arizona ? "

Arizona : " Thank you sir, i just doing my best these days "

S Arizona : " Excusme you all, do you know something new about my brother Missouri ? "

S Missouri : " Please don't tell it sis... "

Little Mo : " What is it big sister ? "

S Arizona : " He has a crush on a girl named Montpelier, the Cleveland class, Heavy Cruisers of the Eagle Union "

Missouri : *surprised and looks to S Missouri* * You're not joking aren't ya kiddo ? "

S Arizona : " Of course dad, and look at his face~ " *smirk at her brother*

S Missouri : *blushing fiercely*
" S-Shut up... and is true dad, i like and love Montpelier "

Missouri 11 : " Well you know what kid ? That's how you fall im love with a woman, even the old pup like me has also love on a fascinating American Dreadnought "

Missouri : " You mean... Texas dad ? "

Missouri 11 : " Indeed son hahaha ! "

Arizona : " Whatever, and you Missouri ( she means the Virgina class ) mommy never know that you have a relationship with a girl~ "

S Missouri : " MOM ! "

After lunch time

Arizona was getting a massage
on her back by her husband, while her son Little Mo was sleeping on her lap, she was very enjoy it until her daughter S Arizona comes to her.

S Arizona : " Hey mom, can i ask you something ? "

Arizona : " Sure dear, here take a seat "

Missouri : " So tell me my daughter, what do you want ? "

S Arizona : " Well seeing little Mo is very cute and i often see my brother play with him, which also i wonder this mom... *Deep breath* mom, can i have a little sister ? "

Missouri : (⁠●⁠_⁠_⁠●⁠)

Arizona : *blushing*

Missouri : " I guess another children i don't mind at all, what do you say dear ? Should we...
' night battle ' again ? "

Arizona : ಠ⁠ω⁠ಠ

Missouri : *whisper to her ears* " Hope you ready tonight dear~ "

Arizona : *still blushing*  " Sure thing my daughter, you will get a little sister "

S Arizona : " Yeay ! Thanks mama !!! "

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