The Arc Of The Demon Cruiser Part 1 : Beginning of the story chapter

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One day at Sakura Empire,

For the Sakura Empire faction, there is a unique thing that can be spotted, the homes. Especially for those who are the special warship, like the Yamato class for example. They have their own a luxurious and beautiful place to live, why is that? Because the Yamato class is the most respected ship class after the Nagato class. Originaly, there are there of the Yamato class Super Battleships, but only Musashi and Shinano that have appeared in the world of Azur Lane. While Yamato was nowhere to be found, some Sakura Empire shipgirls said that Yamato dissapear when on it's way to Operation Ten Go.

At The Yamato class residence

Shinano was carrying a small plate of Mochi, and Onigiri that she got from her personal assitant Kashino. She walks happily to her big sister room, but doesn't found her there.

Shinano : " Nee - Chan ? Where are you ? " *Looks arounds*

Shinano : *thinks for a while* " Oh yeah the docks ! She must be there "

At the docks

We could see Musashi was training her Blade, especially the Blade of her riggings, the big one you know ? Like that Raiden Shogun one has. She was moving her Blade of her riggings in a symphony of a samurai warrior.

Musashi : " Hah... Yamato nee - sama... i promise... became strong as you, who have show your breaveness to defend Sakura Empire when Ten Go. And save of our friends can come back to us in still alive condition... i wish you came back "

Shinano : " Nee - Chan !!! " *Shouting her name as she try to catch her sister in her riggings*

Musashi : " Ahh yes, my dear imouto Shinano. What brings  you here~ ? "

Shinano : " Well, Kashino gaves me some treats that she got from her last duty today. How about we enjoy it together ? "

Musashi : " Oh sure~ "

Not far away

??? : " Looks like this is my chance now "

Shinano : " Which one you may like to pick it Nee - Chan ? "

Musashi : " I think i will pick this one maybe~ "

*A mysterious hooded man approaching*

Shinano : " Nee - Chan look out ! "

Musashi : " Huh what- "

The mysterious hooded man break her half riggings that easily, with something they don't know about it.

Musashi : *Enduring the intense pain due to the sudden attack without realizing it*

Shinano : " Nee - Chan !!! "

??? : *Tooks the sword of Musashi*

Musashi : " Arggh... my... Blade ... "

Shinano : " Grrr !!! "

??? : ( I'll take this for me )

??? : *Open a portal than dissapeared*

Shinano : " What was that ?! That doesn't matter, now i must make sure my Nee - Chan is okay "

Musashi : " Shinano... Imouto... " *Feeling weak*

Shinano : " Hold on Nee - Chan !!! "

In the other place also

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