pick wild tera pokemon partner

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Terarium biome: coastal biome

In the middle of field with the trio for honog pick out one of wild pokemon as her partner for first time.

Dictator cyrona: "pick one of wild pokemon that you like my dear to be your partner in wild tera pokemon catcher squadron in section 33."

Hongo: "sure."

She walk in the field to right to see wild pokemon everywhere that she can choose one of them as her partner as she arrived medium beach size to see three wild Galarian slowpoke laying down on the sand within the stomach, one crabrawler, and two poppilo for her pick them out as her partner and enter the beach with them begun choosing while being watched the duo from the far.

"What's going on dictator?"

They turn around to see mighty Thor 2.0 approach them with warm smile on her face as dictator cyrona begun speak in kindness, "our rookie wild tera pokemon catcher pick out one of wild pokemon as her partner in section 33, Carmine. Oh this is izuka akawa, she joined section 33 well as titan pokemon mission control room staff."

Mighty Thor 2.0: "wonderful, very nice to you maiden izuka. Thou name mighty Thor 2.0, new goddess of thunder."

Izuka: "you too Thor."

"Hey guys."

They turned around to see hongo approach them from the beach side got shiny froakie on right shoulder blade and hongo said to them with surprise, "I want froakie as my wild tera pokemon catcher partner." Mighty Thor 2.0 said, "huzzah, that wonderful choice my fellow allie because frog friend will be great partner for you. His moves are quick attack, repulse the monkey,  mantis boxing style, water pulse, and double team."  She look at her new wild tera pokemon catcher partner with a smile and said, "you and me will be great team battle against wild tera pokemon in other universes, little dude."

Froakie: "froakie."

Dictator cyrona: "and you can pick out three pokemon in section 33 storage room too as well."

Mighty Thor 2.0: "aye."

Hongo: "sounds good to us then, right buddy."

Froakie: "froakie."

[New chapter is out for today]

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