norbara first Titan pokemon surprise

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During 1st period break at high school during 11:36 am

Norbara at 2nd floor corridor with her friends just talking about any plans for the weekend.

Norbara: "you two got any plans for the weekend."

Yuji: "me and megumi hanging out with satour at his place for a while before heading to the movies with shoko and yuka."

Norbara: "cool."

Yuji: "what about you, norbara."

She then begins to blushed on her cheeks and twirling a hair with one finger and replied, "that you mentioned it, yuji. I'm going to spend a night with mika at her place on Saturday and Sunday." Make yuji & megumi give out smirk girn on their faces at norbara going to spend a night with mika at her place on Saturday and Sunday for getting alone time with her while her family is out. That's pretty move from norbara.

"Hey girly."

They turned around to see pumbaa trotting toward them with timon riding on and he said to norbara with surprise, "congratulations kid, you going on your first Titan Pokemon mission with professor pieck and the rest at Bayou River in new Orleans at princess and the frog original universe, Disneyverse to face unknown Titan Pokemon on Sunday morning at 9:15 am." Norbara's eyes went wide and huge grin on her face to hear about going with professor pieck and the rest to face unknown Pokemon on Sunday morning at princess and the frog original, Disneyverse."

Yuji: "way to go norbara, you going to face Titan Pokemon for first time."

Megumi: "awesome."

Pumbaa: "I'm so proud I could just---"

He accidentally farted really loud in the hallway make several students passed out on the floor and said to them very ashamed, "oops, sorry." Then suddenly Mr. Gojo show up right front of them with disgusting look on his face and said, "geez, that small quiet a punch from you pig." Cause pumbaa become angry with timon get off after hearing 'pig' from mr. Gojo mouth.

Pumbaa: "are you talking about me?"

Timon: "you called him a pig."

With steams come out from pumbaa nose and still staring at Mr. Gojo with very angry and said, "are you talking about me."

Timon: "you shouldn't say that, pal."

Pumbaa become more mad and shoutout in anger, "ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ME!" Timon sly grin to look at Mr. Gojo, "now you're in for it." Pumbaa started charging at him really fast and said, "they called me, mr. PIGGGGGGGGGGGG!" He ram him really hard cause flying backwards really fast toward the wall made powerful impact made it huge hole to reveal empty classroom.

Megumi: "ooh that's gotta hurt."

Norbara: "he deserves it for calling pumbaa a pig and he's warthog."

Yuji: "yup."

[New chapter is out for today]

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