Chapter 16

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Holiday picked up Christmas for her therapist appointment. "I thought you'd be hungry. How about cheeseburgers?"

"I'd love that. Oh, I got a call for an audition for a new play and I meant to tell you they want both of us to audition.

Holiday parked her car and turned to face Christmas. "Are you serious?"

Christmas nodded. "It's a fall play. So auditions are next week and and rehearsals start in June. What do you say?"

"I say yes and that's amazing, but is it going to be too much for you?"

"If it is, I promise to let you know."

Holiday smiled and kissed Christmas. "I'm so proud of you. Have you talked to your sister?"

"I have and I have a little nephew."

Holiday pulled Christmas into a hug. "Maybe things are finally starting to fall in place for your sister.

They walked into the restaurant and ordered food. "I did want to talk to you put our future," Holiday poured Christmas a drink.

"Okay, what about it?

"I want to marry you and I want to know how you feel about kids?'

Christmas took a sip of her drink. "I want to marry you, but I don't want to have kids. What about you?"

"I want to have kids, Chris."

Christmas froze. "Why are we just now talking about this?"

"I mean, with everything going on, it didn't seem like the right timing."

"So, what are we going to do? It's not fair to ask for a compromise. I don't want kids and I'm not willing to budge on that."

"And I do want them. "

"Then what are we going to do?"

"I don't know. Maybe we shouldn't think about it anymore tonight," Holiday suggested.

On the way back, the car ride was silent.

Holiday went to her room and slammed the door. Brent and Christmas shared a look. "You can tell me it's none of my business, but what was that about?"

"She doesn't want kids and I do," Holiday wiped her tears and Brent hugged his sister to his chest. "Oh, sis. I'm so sorry. It looks like you're both going to need to talk."

"I don't know what to do because I don't want to break up, but we may have to."

"Yeah, that's tough. I'm so sorry, sis."

Kiss Me Under the MistletoeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora