Chapter 14

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Brent and Franklin got there as fast as they could with coffees for all of them.

"Thanks, I appreciate this," Christmas said sadly and Brent patted her hand.

"Your sister is strong and I have no doubt she'll open her eyes."

Christmas shook her head. "I wish that was a promise you could make, but it's not.

Brent nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I wish it was a promise I could make, too. All I can do is tell you that we're all here for you."

"I know, and I'm glad," Christmas gave her friends a sad smile. Holly hated watching what it was doing to her.

She gently touched Christmas' shoulder and she collapsed into Holly's arms sobbing.

"It's okay. It's okay. I've got you. I'm here, baby. I promise."

"Chris? The voice was raspy, but sure enough, it was Parker's. Christmas couldn't get to her sister fast enough.

"Parker, what happened?"

"I honestly can't remember. The only thing I can recall is talking to Jeremy and the next thing I know everything is black."

Christmas and her friends all exchanged a look with each other.

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