21. Falling apart

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3rd Person's POV

Elsa left Sam and Argus in the middle of the church alone.

"What do we do now?" Sam asked passing an hand in her hair frustrated. Truth is she was about to lose it, Elsa had taken away Klaus and the rest of the family and her sister. The plan isn't going how it should.

"Just calm down..." He whispered. "We'll figure it out." He comes near Sam and hugs her tight. "Plan B." And they walk out of the church.
Damon, Stefan and Caroline are outside.

"Where are they?" Stefan asked coming near.

"She took them." Sam muttered almost in panic. It was time for plan B... Whatever that was. Sam was getting more and more nervous and the truth was she was almost hopeless. Damon came towards Sam and hugged her tightly.

"We're going to get them back." Damon muttered into her hair as he kissed her forehead and patted her long brown hair as she gripped his shirt.

"We need to go home and discuss another plan." Argus said pacing around. "We don't have much time."


Samantha's POV

She took them. I can't believe she took them. What am I going to do? I need a way to get them out of there, out of the that crazy ass bitch's hands.
We came back home. Elena and Jeremy were worried sick about us and Bonnie keeps trying to find them with locators spells but nothing's working out. I walked up to much room. Someone knocked.

"Yes?" I answer from the balcony. I was trying to focused and trying to feel Klaus, see if I could get in touch, see if I could make a connection.

"Hey... It's me princess." Damon walked in and into the balcony and hugged me from behind. "How are you feeling?" I laughed and turned around to face him.

"Peachy!" I say sarcastically. "I can't believe she took them... I can't lose him Damon, I just can't." I say tears starting to come to my eyes.

"We're not going to let her hurt them." He grabbed one of my hands. "I won't let it happen." I nodded and placed one of my hands in my stomach. I can't let my baby grow up without a father, I refuse to let that happen. I won't let this baby have the same life I did. I never knew my father till now. "Sam? You okay?" Damon asked looking at me worried and looking at my hand. "Something hurts?" I laughed and shake my head and smile.

"I wanted...We wanted to tell everyone after everything was okay and over..." I looked up at him that had a worried look on his face. "I'm pregnant." I smiled shyly. I could see the shock in his face.

"You... Yo.. You are?" He stuttered and a sudden smile creeped on his face and he pulled me into a hug spinning me around. "That's so great! Congratulations." He put me down.

"Thank you." I smile genuinely for the first time today. He suddenly looks very serious.

"It's not mine is it?" He asked petrified.

"No!" I sigh "Vampires can't procreate." I laugh.

"But Klaus..."

"Klaus it's half werewolf and it's my true love." I smile "It's his baby." I smile "Don't worry."

"I'm so happy for you." He said kissing my cheek. I smiled back. "But now you need to rest."

"I'm not resting until they're safe and sound." I sigh. I can't just cross my arms and wait for them to be okay. I need to fight for the people I love.

"Sam we need to come up with a plan. We need to rest a little bit." He says grabbing my hand. "I'll stay with you." He smiles. "I'm just going to let Elena know." I nod. I go to the bathroom and change into my pajama shorts and a tank top. Damon comes back seconds after and lays on the bed. "I'm here." I smile.

"I can see that." I walk up to the bed and lay down. Damon puts an arm around me and I lean my head in his chest.

"Is it your phone?" He asks looking at me. I sit up straight and look at my phone that is on the nightstand. 'Klaus'

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" I ask in panic.

"I'm fine." He sighed "Call off the plan."

"What?" I ask in awe "What you mean, Klaus? I'm not leaving you!" I scream to the phone.

"It's the best for the baby... And for yourself." He sighs.

"Klaus! Klaus, don't do this! Don't give up!" I scream and the line goes dead. "Oh my god! Oh my god!" I mutter to myself and I leave my head to my hands. "This can't be happening."

"Hey princess..." Damon pulls me closer and holds me in his arms. I let my tears flow into his black shirt. "We're going to save them. We're not giving up!" He made me look at him and he kissed my forehead. "Do you trust me?" I nod. "Good!"

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