19. That's your plan?

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Sam's POV

"I've talked with Elijah on the phone earlier and he told me he wanted to bargain with Elsa." Argus said sitting in front of us in a chair behind the desk. Klaus and I sat across him looking quite interested in his plan to kick that Witche's ass once and for all.

"Bargain what?" I asked. "You mean like an exchange of something?" Argus nodded. Okay so what the hell did they want to exchange? I mean it's not like we have anything she desperately wants... like a volt full of gold or a decent heart. And even with a decent heart I'm pretty sure she would still be a bitch.

"Ourselves." Klaus said getting to a conclusion where my mind didn't even dared wander.

"You gotta be kidding right?" I asked astonished by the stupid plan this three idiots where plotting. "You guys want to get yourselves killed?" I got up suddenly completly revolted with all of this. One thing was playing her game, get on top, win and we would get peace once and for all. What if that plan went wrong and she killed them? I'm not losing the most important person in my life for a bitch like her. I just refuse to.

"It's our only shot. We play her game, she thinks we're doomed, we attack her, we win." Argus said making hand gestures.

"It's win win Sam." Klaus said grabbing my hand making me sit down again.

"I'm not gonna take the risk and lose you. I just don't think that I would... that I would be able to live with that."

"I know love. But we gotta do this. Can you trust me?" He asked placing his soft hand in one of my cheeks. I nodded.

"So what do we bargain?" I asked looking at Argus.

"Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah and Kol for freedom. The leader of the Hunters and Werewolves that are coming is Sky's father. We tell her to call them off. You guys hand yourslf over and we kill her."

"Sounds like a plan." Klaus said and got up.

"Wait! What if something goes wrong? What's the plan B?" I asked looking at them both.

"We'll see if that happens."


"What about me? What do I do?" Jeremy asked looking quite annoyed by doing nothing about it. We decided that Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah and Kol hand themselves over to Elsa, Argus makes sure that she calls off that freaky army of hers. Stefan, Damon and Caroline will stand prepare to attack if anything happen. Sky and I will go with Klaus and the rest of them to make sure they won't get hurt. And Elena and Jeremy will stay home with Bonnie to prepare a spell to weaken Elsa's minions.

"I told you. You'll stay here with Elena and Bonnie." I told him squeezing his hand and he nodded.

"Okay so we'll be doing this tomorrow. Take a nice night sleep. It will be a long day." Kol said going up to his room. We all said good nights and Klaus and I walked up to our room.

"You're ready love?" Klaus asked while I walked over to the drawer and pulled out some pink pajama shorts and a white thank top and Klaus' blue pants a white shirt.

"To bed? Almost." I answer from my side trying to hide my growing anxiety. I trusted them all but the plan didn't sounded too trustable. I can't stop picturing the several worst scenarios. God damn imagination!

"I mean for tomorrow." He said and I felt him vamp speed to be behind me.

"Yeah of course I am." I lied. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder and I could feel his warmth irradiating from his body due our proximity.

"I know when you lie because I know you and your heart his beating faster than usual." He said spinning me around forcing me to look at him. "You can trust us. I promise it will be fine."

"It's not that I don't trust you. I don't trust the plan. Babe, it's too risky. There are about a thousand things that can go wrong...." I was interrupted by his loving kiss. His lips moved softly against mine. Making me want him. His grip in my waist tighten and my hands wrapped strongly around his neck.

"Nothing. Will. Go. Wrong." He said between breaths. We broke apart and he looked at me with his passionate blue eyes. "Do you believe me?" He asked. I nodded. "Good. Now we have to go to bed tomorrow will be a great day." We broke apart and he finally let go of my waist. We both got onto our pajamas and went to bed.

He had an arm around me resting his hand in my waist and I rested my hand in his chest. My left hand was entwined with his right one and my left leg was in between his own.

"Have you thought if it will be a boy or a girl?" I asked looking up at him which made him look down at me.

"The baby?" He asked rather confuse.

"No the puppy Elsa will give us tomorrow." I dead panned. "Yes the baby." I smiled.

"I would like it to be a boy. I could teach him how to fight and to pick up girls." He told me smirking. I kissed his cheek.

"What if it is a girl?" I asked. He seemed to think a little bit.

"I'll teach her to be a queen. Like her mother." I felt my cheeks burning a little and he kissed my forehead. I couldn't help but crack a smile. "Have you thought in any names?" He asked.

"Angel." I said after a few moments thinking. "It can be either for boy or girl."

"I like it." He said. I noticed he cracked a smile as well. And it was with the sight of his smile and the feeling of his heartbeat in my head that I fell asleep.

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