16. Declared war

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Klaus' POV

Elsa showed up at the compound, claiming that she wanted to 'talk'. Yeah right, 'talk' and I'm the tooth fairy.

Sam, Elsa and I walked into the study for some more privacy but I could still hear them in the leaving room. My family and her family, gathered trying to figure out what was going on. Sam was so nervous with her presence. I could feel her emotionally and I could hear her heart beat very fast. I hold her hand strongly so she knew she was safe with me, she tightened it back knowingly.

"What do you want from me?" Sam asked as she stood by me still holding my hand.

"Darling I thought that was already of your knowledge. I guess you miss things very easily." She said smirking at us. I swear that if she continues with that smirk I'm gonna whip it off of her face with a punch. "I want your power." She said like it was obvious. "That's why I had you locked up the first time. You enjoyed that didn't you?" I felt Sam wince at her words. She was way worst than I thought with all that happen before. She should have told me. Camille would've helped her.

"Why?" I asked.

"Why what? Why I want her power?" I nodded. "You two have the greatest power I've ever seen. I want it." She said calmly.

"Why?" I asked again trying to keep everything under control. I don't feel like killing her. I'd rather torture her for years.

"She wants to take down your family." Sam answer before Elsa could. What? "She told me when she kidnaped me."

"And you didn't thought on telling me?" How could she keep something like that from me? I had the right to know, didn't I?

"I thought we could kill her before anything happen."

"Still, Sam you should've told him, he's your boyfriend after all." Elsa said relaxing in the armchair behind the desk.

"What makes you think we're going to give you what you want?" I asked.

"Because if you do that, your son will be able to live without his father. If you don't... Then he won't get to live at all." Elsa said very relaxed.... Wait a minute! Son?! Sam and I quickly looked at each other.

"Vampires can't procreate." Sam said bluntly.

"They can with an epic. Don't know how, but they can. And Klaus... You're also a werewolf." So that meant that Sam was pregnant? With my baby?

"We're not letting you take our power and kill my family."

"Oh come on, Niklaus. Be reasonable. Don't you want your son to grow up, fall in love, live a big happy life?" Sam kept looking between me and Elsa. Completely shocked with everything that was happening. She softly put an hand on her belly.

"We won't let you." Sam said confidently. "You're have to get it yourself." She laughed at her answer.

"Sweetheart, I gave you an opportunity to do this the easy way... You chose the opposite." She got up. "War it is." She walked out of the office with her dogs behind her. Leaving me and Sam alone.


After a lot of explanation to all the family members they were all up to kill Elsa. One way or another their life was at risk too. If I die, my bloodline die along with me. Killing most of them. Sam decided not tell anyone about the baby. At least until everything was calmer and safer. We haven't had time to talk about it either. After everyone calmed down Sam went to our room right away. I better go check on her. I went up to our room and knocked.

"Hey love, everything's alright?" I heard her sniff and I knew she was crying. I opened the door and walked inside to find Sam laid on top of our bed her face down on the pillows. She looked up and I could see her eyes, red from the crying. I felt a big pain in my heart to see her like that. She was so full of life and right now she was so vulnerable that hurt. "Oh love." I walked up to our bed and sat in the boarder. She got closer resting her head in my legs. I started patting her soft brown hair.

"What are we going to do?" She asked me, her voice breaking. She was devastated with everything. This truly broke my heart.

"Hey love. . . First you're going to clear those tears away and you better give me a big smile." She got up from laying and sat next to me. She looked up looking for my eyes. When she found them she gave me a weak smile. "Slightly better." She chuckled a little. "Love, you're the strongest girl I've ever layed  eyes on. We're going to figure it out." She placed her hand in her belly letting I few more tears leave her beautiful green eyes. I cleared away her tears and then placed my hand over hers that was still in her belly.

"Do you believe Elsa?" She asked weakly. I nodded.

"Now that I focus I can hear a second heartbeat." She nodded. I smiled at her.

"Are you mad? Are you going to walk away?" She asked more tears coming to her eyes. I looked at her like she was some sort of weird creature.

"You really think I'd leave you?!" I asked astonished. She can't be serious, can she? "No love, of course not. I love you, and this. . . " I pointed to her belly. "This is only going to make me love you more. I don't want you to worry. We're going to get through this, and I'm going to make you happy. Whatever that costs me." She gave again a weak smile and wrapped her arms tight around my neck.

"I love you." She said breathing into my neck. I could feel her heartbeat slow down. And I knew she was going to be alright.

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