1. What The Heck Are You Doing Here?!

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The door was open and Klaus and I were both petrified at his image. I've never seen him in person but I found a couple of photographs in Klaus' office. Neither Klaus or I were ready for his presence. After a couple seconds of staring Klaus finally spoke up.

"Argus! What a surprise. " The tall and muscled guy that I knew as my father smiled. He had gray blue eyes and a nice hazelnut hair with some waves, he had a little bit of beard. If he wasn't my father I'd say he's ridiculously hot.

"Niklaus what a pleasure to see you again." Argus said with a light Irish accent. "Dear Samantha." He muttered smirking at me with his perfect white teeth.

"Argus. " I wasn't capable of speaking anything else. I was too shocked to do so.

"May I come in?" He asked with the smile still upon his perfectly drawn lips. Klaus widened the door and gestures for him to get in. He walked to the couch I was previously seating on and he sat down crossing his long and defined legs.

"What brings you here friend? " Klaus asked pouring some bourbon into three glasses. He hands me one and I mouth 'thank you' to him, he hands one over to Argus and sits beside me with a protective arm around me.

"News travel fast and the news of you and my daughter bonding has been everywhere." He said daughter! I understand why left me and so on, but he can't expect me to just forget everything and act like he was present in the last 20 years of my life. Grayson is my father. This man in front of me is Argus. The man that gave me away to protect me.

"That doesn't answer to the question... Why are you here? " I manage to ask with a little bit of anger in my voice. Klaus looked at me assuring I was alright. I nodded. We could feel each other's emotions so he knew I was slightly irritated.

"Fair point. I'm here to protect you. Now that people know that you two have bonded they'll come after you. They refuse that the bloodline continues to grow."

'After you left me for 20 years?! I don't need your protection!' I murmured inside my head. Klaus looked at me with an apologetic look.

"What kind of dangerous are we dealing with?" Klaus asked.

"Mostly werewolves. And let me remind you Sam, we're like vampires... A werewolf bite can kill us."

"And besides werewolves?" Klaus asked looking at Argus who was looking at me carefully.

"Vampire Hunters. " He paused. "A friend of mine told me there is a group of Hunters coming this way. " Nice! Argus wasn't enough! Now werewolves and Hunters are coming too!

"Why didn't they came earlier? We bonded two month ago." I said doubtful.

"They have been gathering weapons and people enough to create an army. Now they're on their way. "

"We will fight back and win." Klaus said determined. He looked at me. "I'm going to protect you. No matter what it costs." He kissed my forehead and gave me a reassure smile.

"I can help. " Argus said.

"In twenty years you never came back and decided to help, so why now?" I asked raising my voice.

"I know I wasn't a great father... " I interrupted.

" The problem is you weren't a father at all!" I muttered loudly. "You've helped enough. You warned us. You can go now." I said getting up. I put down the glass, untouched and went up to the stairs. I've always dreamed of our encounter but the rage I held inside of me couldn't be ignored. I'm mad at him for letting me go. He could've gave me away to protect me, but he could also have came back and take care of me. But I'm glad he didn't. I had a great family that actually loved me. But if this turns around too bad... I guess I'm gonna need Mystic Falls Army.

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