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"What's with the look?"  I asked Dan who's looking at Jake and Andrew with scrutiny.

The two are far away from where we are sitted. And I'm thankful for that. Dan can be a trouble prone. With just simple things' he always get in trouble. Including by only staring at people.

Who knows what those two alpha males would think if they noticed him with such intense gaze.

"Have you ever noticed how those two interact?"

I frowned. I don't know what he mean. Besides when did he ever made sense.

"No." I just said.

"They're like those people in politics. Being formal with each other. But has a knife hiding behind their back ready to stab one another."

I raised my left eyebrow. Does all this crime, detective, and government stuff getting in his head? I wanted to laugh but he seemed to be serious about it, so I was forced to looked at Andrew and Jake talking.

I couldn't see what he mean.

"Or there's a tension because the two has history. Andrew is a person of law. While Jake's broke that law. They're bound to be enemies." I argued.

He hummed like he's not convinced and keeps on watching the two as he feathered with his beard.

"No. There's something. Those two hate each other guts. Not because he's a FBI agent, and he's a former criminal. It's something more personal."

When he told us Jake might have rubbed off Richy. He didn't include that Kate might have rubbed him off too.

Those deduction stuff sounds more convincing, and only works when it's Kate and Jake who does it. I'm sorry. I'm being judgemental' I know. But if someone like Dan said it, it's ridiculous and funny at the same time.

"I don't think we should jump into conclusion without any concrete evidence." Cleo says where the Hawkins siblings nodded as a sign of concurring.

"Nah~ my back are killing me, unlike you who could really jump."

We all made a terrified face when Dan made such statement. I turn at Cleo, and damn. The look on her face tell me that she's not very please with that joke.

Is that even a joke? Or he's just being mean?

"What?" He innocently asked after noticing that we become quiet.

"Dan -" before Cleo could speak another word' a strange group of men caught our attention as they made a haste steps toward Andrew who's still with Jake.

They whisper something that only those two could hear. And Mister Deputy Director said something in return. Those men nodded as they understood what he meant and leave.

Andrew and Jake began walking but my brother drifted away first' making his way to where we are.

"Better shut your mouth tight, Tommy boy." Dan warned Thomas who's silent at the side and sitting beside Hannah.

It's been three days since Kate got abducted along with the issue about Jake threatening Thomas happened.

Dan wasn't aware of that as he was taking a potty' according to him. Though he was informed by Phil after attempting to clear some of his bar CCTV footages.

I don't know when these two got along. But it's kind of great. I hope things stays that way.

"Lily." I flinched when Jake called my name. His voice is cold with a tinged of displeasure.

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