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I couldn't do this anymore. I have enough of these people. And fuck Richard!

What the hell does he want from Kate?

Is it revenge? But he has no one to blame other than himself. He drag the whole situation to the extent he couldn't have control anymore. If he just surrender to the law the day they accidentally run over Jennifer then this wouldn't happened.

"Are you okay?" I look at the mirror, in the reflection I could see myself with face contorted to emotion I couldn't processed properly. Standing behind me is Philip.

Were in the Aurora men's room. Alan left after informing us about Richard, and receiving information that he might have taken Kate with him. Rosenthal followed him saying he got to take care of something.

I wanted to help them. But I hold no authority.

"Are you worried about Kate?" Phil voice once again interrupts my thoughts by asking another question.

Can't he read the air that I don't want to speak to him?

"I didn't tell this to anyone. But I saw Richy yesterday' secretly typing in his phone. I assumed he save Kate's number." He stood along me with a distance of about two feet. Then with a simple nudge to the tap of the faucet, the water runs moderately and his hands move toward the flow, and he began rubbing them together.

"You didn't notice right? Even he was just beside you. Don't worry. No one will blame you. Everyone has that moment where their head are in a cloud. Besides, no one expects something from the hacker who only know to twiddle his finger on a keyboard." He said mockingly where I gave him a side eye. He probably felt it, which is why his head turn to me, and the fucker grinned at me.

"You're implying?" I asked in a tone that says it doesn't matter to me.

"Oh. I thought you're more intelligent than you seem. Then I'll be forward to you."

I never liked this guy. Not a single bit. In fact when his name got dragged in our investigation. My senses immediately raised a warning flag. As much as possible, I don't want him to get involved. Not because I'm worried, and began feeling guilty for involving more innocent people in the case, but it's because of his reputation.

Before I actively participate in locating Hannah. I run a background profile to everyone she was involved with. Him included. And it was not impressive.

He's a veritable casanova. Women who made contact are terribly charmed by him. At the time when Hannah was missing he had six girlfriends. Ladies whom he pursue, courted, and manage to pull out a 'yes' without knowing that there are many of them. And finally literally dozen of lover whom he had sexual activity for his own needs. They're like his own personal prostitute. Just one call from him, and they'll be flying to him like a moth thirsty for milk.

"Don't think you're special just because you found her."

I felt my left eyebrow about to raised, but manage to stop it.

First of all I don't get why he's telling me this? Special? Me? I have never felt I am special. Especially with just a simple feat of tracking her number. That would be too low of me.

"Philip Hawkins... You're wrong if you think I'm that arrogant. Though let me give you some advice." I said. Stretching my arm to reach for the paper towel, and turn myself to him.

I felt him watched me as I began to wipe my hands dry.

"I'm not really fond of talking about this subject. But that's the only thing I could do as respect for your sister who's a good friend to Lily." I stated right when I finish and threw the paper in the garbage can underneath the sink.

"I know something more than twiddling my fingers on a keyboard. And by something' I mean other things unrelated to hacking or technology stuff." I stare at him with magnitude' asserting my dominance.

It's something I learned from my superior. He once told me - 'Never show your enemy your weakness by not averting your eyes even in unforeseen situation.' And I adhered to it like a mantra.

"Oh! Excuse me. Did I disturb the two of you?" Our what I regard as staring contest between us come to an end with Phil looking away first, after hearing the door clack, and open, then enters Daniel in the scene.

The two of them exchange few words. But I didn't care much about it. I just take the time to blink in a gentle manner before turning my back, and left.

Daniel is even in the way but he swiftly move aside. And called my name about to say something but I brush him off.

I don't want to listen to any of them.

I'm back at the space occupied by everyone. As soon as Lily saw me, she made a move.

"Jake-"  like Daniel' she wanted to say something but I passed her.

I been having a hard time starting a conversation with Lily. And I refuse to blame myself for such situation since it was her fault.

If only she came alone, we wouldn't end up like this.

Anyway, I'm okay without having any contact with her nor Hannah. I'm used being on my own. And talking to them isn't that interesting neither it's bright, and fascinating.

"Jake. I know you're angry but Kate getting kidnapped isn't our fault." Thomas with a speech manner' infering we are the problem made me stop, and look at him.

For a second he looks so tough but as soon as our eyes met, his composure broke. He even flinched that made me scoffed with my lip smirked.

"Wow. I applaud you Thomas. You're such a good man." I said.

This is frustrating.

It's so frustrating that my hands feel so restless. Eventually my left landed on my hips whilst the right is on my forehead.

Who the fucked is he to tell me that? Is he trying to make me feel guilty because I dismiss them everytime I get the chance?

That thought was so infuriating that I began laughing like a deranged person.

God help you as I am losing myself.

As I continue to crack myself' I unconsciously let my head fall behind me that the hand placed on my forehead slids down, and made it's way on my mouth.


This is why I wanted to leave this place as soon as possible.

There is it again.

"Jake are you okay?" I heard Lily asked. But her voice is faint from this ringing in my head. It's painful enough that it made me took a deep breath, and stop, but instead of showing I'm in state of excruciating pain. I reverted back to my cold, and stern demeanour. I look at the ceiling for a while before I gaze at Thomas.

"Next time shut you fucking mouth. I don't know where you get your boldness. But you're still shameless as you were five years ago. Don't ever think I forgot what you did." I said that made him shrink away, and embarrassed, not only with my words but as well with those knowing look his friends gave him.

Loosing all the tension in my body, my arms fall to my side.

"But then again, you don't even show gratitude for the person who did the work for you. And you even made your words sound like it was Kate's fault now that she's missing. You're really are shameless but in whole new level. You even have the temerity to excoriate her, and me' in what subject? That I'm overreacting?"

I straight up my head, and look at him threateningly.

"Let this be a lesson for you Thomas. Watch your tongue, and be mindful of the words that leaves your rotten mouth or else you'll find yourself in a two situation."

I turn away as I warned him.

"Your tongue severed or your lips stitched together. Either way those make the same result. Just choose one."

I open the door and left that hell.


A/N: Jake woke up and choose violence. Two threats, each for different people.

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