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Sitted among these people. I don't know what to feel right now. Other than dissapoinment, anger, and regrets.

I just experience a moment of relapsed in which why I shouldn't trust people. And really, they never cease to let me down.

"So Jake Roskov-"

"I go by Dobrev now." I cut the words of this man I don't like the most.

"Then Jake Dobrev. How are you?"

"I am well as you can see." I said.

His response was a friendly and gentle smile that gets in my nerve.

"Andrew get to the point." His companion whispered or tried to whisper since he failed to convey it properly. However this guy ignored him and is only paying attention to me.

He and his friend was the unfamiliar faces I saw a while ago. And this man conversing with me is named Andrew Rosenthal. He has a thick straight blonde hair that fall in the darker shade, followed by a cocoa colored eyes. And for what I know after hearing his name, this man is a FBI deputy director. I don't know why he's here but considering how high his position was. He shouldn't be here. His job is to manage and operate.

"Why don't you indeed go straight to the point, dude. You told us that hackerman cleared his name but why are you here?" Daniel said. I saw Cleo elbowing him in the shoulder but that doesn't seem to bother him and keep his eyes lock on Andrew Rosenthal.

"Did my presence bother you, Jake Dobrev?" Like before he's only focus on me. Ignoring everyone.

"I'm sorry if I did. But I'm here for a reason. The Director gave me a task of overseeing how have you been after all these years."

"You know... to ensure that you are abiding the rules of law. I'm also given the authority to adjudicate if you do something that goes against it." I kept a stoic expression but under the table my fist are already balled.

After I was proven innocent. The FBI director weren't happy about it. Who will be? If I continued to be a criminal, terrorist whatever worst name they called me. They will received a enormous amount of money for I have a bounty in my head. And most importantly a promotion.

"So you're like his prosecutor." Lilly joined in.

Rosenthal smile fade, and innocently tilted his head, like a wondering child would behave.

"I guess you can say that."

"Oh besides that were here for a mission too." He added and smiled again, giving me a meaningful stare.

"We would like to talk to your friend Kate." the moment he uttered those last words - I couldn't hear anything but her name.

It was like my mind froze similar to how computer does when they overheated. And whatever window is open, it remained there without moving even the icon. That's what's happening to me right now. Her name are even ringing in my mind.

This is why I desperately try not to mention her name as much as possible because it makes me think of just her.

"Aren't you FBI? You have your ways and resources. Why don't you go to her and meet her yourself." Thomas said confused.

Something is wrong...

"Kate... she have a lovely name. I wonder if she's beautiful as her name." My jaw tightened. I can also feel something getting stuck on my throat when he complimented her.

"So Kate..." Now I found something more distasteful than those I already hated. Someone uttering her name.

"She's actually interesting..." I don't know if he's provoking me, but I guess I should congratulate him because he succeed.

"We can't find a single thing about her. Not even her last name. Can you believe that? We're even considering the fact that... she doesn't exist at all." Rosenthal gave everyone here a look except me.

"How dare you. Are you saying we just made her up?!" Daniel said.


"We did not! Kate is real. You're just trying to blame us in your own incompetence." Jessica voice almost cracked.


Really odd.

"Okay. Let's put it like that. But how can you explain the fact that Kate gone dormat the moment Hannah Donfort was rescued including Richy Roger." Everyone come to have a moment silence. Even I, myself is quite, yes. But the inside of my head are loud.

What does he mean that she gone dormat? Did she... left after the investigation was over?

That can't be, right?

"See... it's too much of a coincidence that she appear when your friend Hannah Donfort disappeared then left after she was found."

Yes. It's peculiar. But if I consider his word then it means... Kate doesn't exist.

There's no Kate from the beginning.

This is why Thomas remarks a while ago sounds odd. It was like he's also wondering where she had gone? And was hoping that the FBI know it.

No. It can't be!


So all these years I was hoping that she was with them. But she wasn't!

"Jake... are you okay." I heard Lily asked. It was faint at first but I snapped when her hand rested on my left shoulder.


I'm not okay.

I don't even know what to feel...

"It's okay..." She added.

Easy for you to say. I could tell that Kate disappearance doesn't matter to them at all.

"Thanks. But I'm okay. I'm just... thinking..." I said coldly, and casually brushed her hand off. I hate being touched.

"Anyway... since Jake Dobrev is here it's too soon to conclude that she really doesn't exist."

I looked at Andrew Rosenthal. And once again, he's looking at me with that annoying smile plastered in his face.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I want your help to look for her. This is confidential but I guess it wouldn't hurt to share it to her friends. The Director actually wanted to privately talk to her. Of course inviting her would be impossible if she's nowhere to be found and not a single thing about her is known."

"What does your superior want with her?" Immediately I asked. I need to know what they want from her. I cannot possibly put her in danger. And I don't want to be the reason why she, once again, is in danger because of me.

"That I can't tell." He said smiling.

"Andrew Rosenthal. This isn't a deal. You need me. And wether I agree or not depends on your answer to my question." Our eyes met, and he's not swayed by my persuasion. In fact he look amused.

"A fair trade, I see..." he said.

"Okay then. I will tell you. I'm not that sure tho, since the director didn't disclose his actual intention but in accordance to my observation he seemed to want to recruit her."

Audible gasp from the girls and Thomas are heard whilst Daniel whistles out of amazement. Philip Hawkins who's also quietly listening from the side' show shock when his serious demeanour changes into surprise.

"Isn't she amazing? I, myself look forward working with her."

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