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I rubbed my temples. Stress and anxiety just keep piling up.

This is the first time I've witness how FBI work, so I couldn't really tell how well they are in their job, but in Kate's situation they're pretty much useless.

Imagine. Andrew said his men has been tailing this woman who is Kate yesterday, yet they didn't even managed to see her face. Their excuse that she is wearing a cap, and a face mask. So we hardly have anything to even post a sketch of her missing.

However, when Rosenthal with Alan went to the cafe yesterday they managed to recover a smart watch left behind by a lady according to the owner of the shop. When they asked from which table, she guided them' where Rosenthal confirmed that it's the same table he reserved for the two of them.

At first these men was confused why Kate would left her belongings like that. Especially a branded smart watch which makes it very expensive. But then Alan was reminded that Kate is perceptive.

This compliment, and yes - I consider this as compliment. Might have stem from his past interaction with Kate five years ago. I mean she did contact Alan since she thinks he's our only option into going to the Grimrock.

Anyway he assumed that she must have felt that something is off when Richy came to her first. Which is why they tried looking onto that single piece of clue they had. And that's where atleast they achieved something to go on.

They found a GPS tracker connected from her smart watch to an object that both Alan and Rosenthal couldn't identify.

That can't be her phone. Because according to Paul it's been tracked some time after her kidnapping, and they located it in a highway to Colville.

At the mention of that place. I got completely distracted. At first I presumed that Richy might be in Colville but Cleo told me that he wouldn't be that obvious, and reminded me of how calculated, and planned the case of 'The man without a face.'

That's when I realised that I shouldn't treat Richy lightly anymore.

He's smart. And this case must be another scheme of his' that he prepared, and organised without us' once again, knowing nor noticing.

Whilst my conversation with Cleo. Rosenthal mobilise a team of hackers. We were hopeful. Since it's a FBI hacker, they must be very competent. However they broke a news that Richy is knowledgeable about these hacking stuff due of a unknown frequency blocking them. They did managed to get rid of it. But a new unencrypted traffic to and fro from all the devices that are connected to all internet connection, even a cable line intercepted them.

Everything they said sound complicated and we can't understand a single thing.

Despite that' it did come as shock to all of us.

Imagine? Richy? Our friend who owns a garage, and specialised in automotive knows hacking?

When the hell did he learn that?

But the FBI weren't really bothered that much since they think that he's an amateur. Or so they thought...

They completely underestimated him. They detect a features that does not just blocked attempts of hacking but to also gain control of the hackers network. His program start at influencing the FBI then eventually leading to him taking command. So Rosenthal had no choice but to shut down the search - for now.

They tried locating Richy again but the same thing happened. So for the second time the operation stop. And my brother Jake, comes in.

Rosenthal actually called for him. After Dan told him that Jake managed to dig out where he was when Hannah was missing. In which if I remember right was at the Grimrock. We did try reasoning that it was years ago. Richy from then, and now might me different, I mean who knows if Richy know hacking five years ago. But then Rosenthal said that there's no harm in trying.

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