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"To surmised Kate and whoever this person who came to her first, said something that convince her to go with him, walks away, and they vanished like thin air." Jake tone sound mocking.

The time Andrew looked for my brother. We're speechless. Including me but I was more of tongue tied.


That's my brother he's pointing fingers. And Of course I was silent because I don't know where the hell is he.

Like I said' he doesn't respond to me nor to any message I sent to him. So how am I supposed to know?

But then my friends look at me like I'm some kind of suspect. And I knew what those stare means. They want me to contact Jake. So I did. I tried calling him...

First ring. He didn't answer.

I did it again for the second time, the results was the same, he ignored me.

For the third time! - Nothing! I didn't receive any sign of life. All I can say is 'it's affirmative.' I was completely disregarded like I wasn't even related to him.

I was frustrated, tho I didn't give up. Instead tried messaging him. I didn't even try to hold off with what I wanted to say because I know that's the only thing that will make him come running here.

And I wasn't wrong.

Jake arrived after ten minutes gasping for air.

His over all appearance is dishevelled. He looks like he woke up from a nightmare. His hair is tousled, like how a bed hair should be. His eyes are droopy probably the effect of being knock up instantly with bad news. His attire is probably what he wore when he sleep. A black T-shirt paired with a pajama pants that he top with a gray overcoat. Lastly a sandal for his footwear.

I assumed he didn't thought much of how he would look like before us after knowing what happened to the woman he fancy. Which explains why he look like that!

Despite that he's still handsome.

Like what those facts says - 'If your gorgeous. You can naturally pull of everything.'

But it pisses me off that he can read my message if it involves Kate.

I just sent him a couple of words that says 'Kate has gone missing.' And with a snap of a finger. He's here.

"And you think that person is me?" He added.

"Yes. In addition of the location of the agents. That person knew even the blindspots of every CCTV cameras set up around the neighboring establishments." Paul, Andrew secretary said like he's certain about it.

No matter how angry I am at Jake. He's still my brother, so I'm in his side.

And I just noticed this now but they sure accused people without enough evidence.

In the past I did the same thing. And I paid for it big time by putting my brother's life in danger. Along with Kate. It's like I sold them to those who are after Jake. And I already learn from that. How I wish that they do too.

"Now I know how much of a hypocrite the FBI are. The kidnapping involved technology' of course it's me who did it. Why? Is it because I'm a hacker? Let me reiterate. A criminal hacker who you hunted as if were playing a game of cat and mouse."

I pursed my lips after Jake statement.

I understand that Paul remarks may be insulting, but I'd rather they take they're bad blood somewhere else.

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