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Nyx's pov

I avoided Adonis' gaze and instead looked off to the side.

He glared at me with crossed arms, a disappointed look of his face.

I felt like a child being scolded their parents, but what I did wasn't wrong.


He had pulled me aside to 'talk' but all he's ever been doing is glaring at me with that disappointed mom stare.

"Why did you do that?"

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Do what?"

"Why did you lie like that?!"

I jumped lightly at his outburst, a guilty look crossed my face as I once again avoided his gaze.

"Look, I'm sor-"

"Do you know how worried I was?" he let out an exasperated breath.

"Look I didn't think you'd find out okay, I just needed to tell a lie so they wouldn't be suspicious alright."

I huffed and placed a hand on my hip, silently cursing Alex and Rebecca in my head.

"I, I found something."

I watched as a burst of emotions flashed across his face.

"What is it?" he took a step closer, leaning down slightly.

"This time I found evidence of their crimes, video proof and documents."

His eyes widened slightly at my words, "You mean?"

I nodded. "She got a lot of information." I said as I showed him my phone with pictures of the documents I found.

"Hey Sinclair, you've got to be careful, okay? You saw what happened with Ginny, no doubt because of that."

"I will." I pursed my lip and put my phone back in my pocket.

I know how dangerous this is, and honestly, the fact of it all scares me but it also gives me the thrill.

If it means restoring justice, then I'd gladly put myself in danger.

"Let's go eat." I said and turned back to go to the booth only to see mom and Zane hunched behind the counter, no doubt trying to listen to our conversation.

"Ouch, be quiet they'll hear us." mom whispered not so softly.

"It's probably a lover's quarrel." Zane muttered as he leaned his ear against the wall. "I don't hear anything."

"What are you doing?" I asked as I put a hand on my hip, staring at them indiscreetly hiding on the floor behind the counter.

"Oh Nyx." mom squeaked as she quickly got up. "We were just, cleaning the floor, right Zane." she lightly smacked him on the head.

"Yeah, oh my, look at all this dirt! Gee mom we really need to clean more."

I rolled my eyes at their antics and headed to the booth filled with food.

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