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Nyx pov

"Omg, I am so sorry!" I exclaimed as I hurriedly began picking up the books.

What was it with me and bumping into people?

I saw a hand coming into view followed by a light chuckle and a soft voice.

"It's all right." The person spoke as they began picking up their books before extending a hand for me to get up.

I took the hand and got up from the floor. 

As I did I was met with light blue eyes and fluffy blond hair.

The mysterious person flashed me a broad smile before introducing himself.

"My name is Daniel Park." he said as he shook my hand that was still in his hold.

I gave a small smile as I too introduced myself. "I'm Nyx."

"Just Nyx?" he rose a perfectly shaped eyebrow as his pretty pink lips curved into a small smile.

"Just Nyx." I grinned as I pulled away my hand and used it to help support my books.

"Well, just Nyx, would you mind if I walked you to class?" he asked as he held out a hand charmingly.

I placed my hand in his and played along, "No, Daniel Park, I wouldn't mind that at all."


It was now lunchtime and we were headed to the cafeteria for lunch.

"I'm so hungryyy." Alex groaned as he placed a hand on his stomach.

"Sameee." Rebecca followed suit.

I shook my head at their antics and headed to the lunch lady.

"Hi Mrs. Peters." I greeted her.

"Oh hi Nyx, and friends," she smiled as she looked at us.

She pulled out five bowls and began dishing out our lunch.

"Be careful, it's hot."

I carefully picked up my bowl and we began walking to find a table.

"Nyx." I heard a voice call for me and turned my head in that direction.

As I did, I was met with Daniel waving his hand wildly above his head with a huge grin on his face.

I smiled as I looked at him and began heading to his table.

Before I could do so however, I was stopped by a hand grabbing my arm.

I turned my head to see my capture being no other than Rebecca.

She looked at me with bulging eyes. "You know each other?"

"Yeah, I met him earlier today. Why?"

"Lucky you." she pouted as she let go of my arm.

"Why? What's wrong?" I chuckled as I looked at her.

"She's had a crush on him since last year." Olivia chided as she nudged Rebecca's shoulder.

She put up a dismissive hand. "That may have been true, however, I am over that crush."

She nodded her head assertively, "But still, he's so dreamy."

"He isn't all that." Alex mumbled but nobody heard him except Jamie who fist bumped with him.

"You can come if you want?" I suggested with a smile on my face.

Her eyes went as wide as sources. "Really!"

I startled at her outburst and nodded my head assuringly. 

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