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Nyx pov

I awoke the next morning and followed my same routine from yesterday. Make my bed and tidy my room, take a bath and brush my teeth then get dressed and be ready for the dorm master's arrival.

I decided to put my hair in two puffs with two strands to frame my face.

Currently, Olivia and I were headed downstairs to meet the others as Rebecca had left before us.

As we arrived in the lobby I saw a huge group of students crowding around an area in the far corner.

"What are they doing?" I asked Olivia as we began heading towards them.

"Results for the test yesterday were posted early this morning so they are observing the board for their placement."

As we got closer I heard the whispers and chatters of the students.

"...beat Adonis."

"oh no I failed...bye bye credit cards."

"how is that possible?"

"here she comes."

I furrowed my brows in confusion as I the students all turned to look at me. I grew even more confused as they parted while I walked. I turned back to look at Olivia who just gave a shrug of her shoulder.

As I stood in front of the result board I understood what was going on.

In big bold letters were my name, Nyx Sinclair, and next to it was the score 1st. Directly under that was Adonis's name with the placement of 2nd.

I looked at Olivia who gaped at the board, eyes unblinking.

"Y-you beat Adonis." she stammered as she pointed a finger to the board then me and back to the board again.

"Yeah." I said softly, beginning the grow worried by everyone's reaction. "Is that bad?"

"Yes-well no, I don't know." I watched as she babbled foolishly which made me even more worried.

I looked around and met the stares of the students. Their whispers sounding in my ears.

What's up with everybody?

"Nyxie pixie!" I heard a voice shout who obviously was Alex as he was the only person who called me that stupid name.

I looked to see Rebecca, Jamie and Alex heading in our direction with Alex waving his hand fervently above his head, a beaming smile on his face.

However, that smile dropped as he looked at the result that were posted on the wall.

Okay, I'm scared.

"h-how y-you.." he couldn't even get any words out as he looked between me and the board.

"Guys what's going on. You're scaring me." I spoke as I chewed on my nails, an unconscious habit I do when nervous.

"Don't bite your nails,"Jamie spoke as he gently pulled my hand away from my mouth, " You'll damage them."

I looked to my hands to see that I was indeed biting them. I let out a soft sigh at the fact.

"I'm sorry. It's my OCD. I'm just really nervous right now, what's going on?"

"Well, it's just that Adonis has always been the top student. He always gets the highest grades in his class and throughout the whole school. He was always the top student for the last 2 years, until now." Olivia explained, "Anything less than first is unacceptable for him."

"The last person who scored higher than him transferred schools the next day. Nobody knows the reason." Rebecca added in a whisper.

Oh no. What did I get myself into?

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