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Adonis's pov

I don't believe it.

I stood completely still and calm, though I was fuming on the inside as I looked at my score at the results board.

How dare she.

I have always been at the top. I have always won so who was she to come at this school and take MY place. How dare she beat ME.

My fists clenched at my sides as I listened to the whispers of the students surrounding me.

I quickly turned around and shot them a sharp glare to which they casted their eyes downwards and dispersed.

That Nyx Sinclair. How dare she!

"Calm down dude." my best friend and my only friend Sebastian spoke as he placed a careful hand on my shoulder and gave me two pats.

I shot him a glare to which he just chuckled. 

He was just a few inches taller than me though he was very muscled. The uniform barely even fitted him due to his ginormous guns as he likes to call them.

He was cheery and friendly and is also an athlete for the school's national football team.

"C'mon let's go." He swung his backpack around his shoulder and began walking away, leaving me and my fury to follow him.


I sat angrily in my seat as I clenched a pencil in my hand. It didn't help that Veronica was sat beside me and being annoying as shit.

I glared at nothing in particular as I counted numbers in my head to help me keep calm though that stopped as the door creaked open and I heard a squeak. 

I turned my attention to the sound and saw Nyx hiding behind that boy.

My hands tightened as I kept my focus on her as she headed to her seat.

Mr. Orman entered class and sat on his desk, not before doing his usual greeting.

"As some of you may know, despite having arrived here a few days ago, Nyx has got the top score in the entire school so congratulations to her." he spoke before he began clapping. The students joining him soon after.


The pencil snapped in my hand as I looked at her figure trying to hide away.

The class all looked at me due to the noise but all turned away as I glared at them.

"Are you alright Adonis?" he asked.

"Oh, I'm just jolly sir." I responded with obvious sarcasm in my tone.

That Nyx Sinclair.


The bell rung signaling the end of class and I decided to confront her.

I began to head towards her but she looked at me then ran away.

Guess she knew what she did wrong. Which by the way, made me even more angry.

I looked at her friend who just simply avoided eye contact and exited the classroom.

That's it. I'm going to have to take matters into my own hands.

I collected my stuff before heading to the principal's office.

Mrs. Crestmond looked up to the sound of the door being opened but quickly stood up upon seeing who entered.

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