Chapter 19 :- Merciless.

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Rose POV:-

As Alestor and I hurried through the corridors of the office building in search of Harry, my mind raced with worry. The news of the body found, bearing the same description as Harry's missing uncle, had sent a chill down my spine.

We finally caught up with Harry at the hospital. He stood alone near the entrance to the morgue, his shoulders slumped and his eyes filled with a mixture of grief and disbelief.

"Harry," I called out softly, approaching him with caution. "Are you okay?"

He turned to face us, his expression haunted. "They... they found him," he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Alestor and I exchanged a somber glance, our hearts heavy with sorrow for our friend.

Without a word, Harry led us to the morgue, his steps heavy with dread. As we entered the cold, sterile room, the sight before us made my heart lurch in my chest.

There, lying on a stretcher, was the lifeless body of Harry's uncle. Body covered with white sheet.

Underneath a white sheet lay Harry's uncle's lifeless body.

This thought is alone enough to shake him from inside.

Harry reached out, pulling the sheet back from his uncle's face, tears welling up in his eyes.

He looked like he was about to throw up, totally disgusted and freaked out by what he saw.

He's scared, disgust and emotional at the same time.

The dead body couldn't be identified.
Features of the face was messed up brutally.

Seems like eaten by dogs. Wild dogs.

Not even just the face. Whole body was eaten.
First layer of skin was torn out.

Fingeres were chopped off.

Clearly indicating that someone tortured him brutally.

The sight was terrifying.

Harry went to washroom for throwing up due the sight.

Me and Alestor keep standing there.
Talking to the doctor.

Through DNA test they confirmed that this body is Harry's uncle's.

That sight was so disgusting, terrifying and brutal that anybody can be scared easily.

And be disgusted by it easily.

But Alestor and Me, didn't feel anything.

Like it was a normal sight for us.

For him, yes, it can be. Because he's mafia's king and he do or witness these types of things on daily basis.

But I felt numb, which made me question my own feelings.

But what's gotten into me.

Why i don't feel terrified?

Why i don't feel Disgusted?

Why i don't feel scared?

I don't witness something like that on daily basis.

Does that mean, I'm a psychopath?

But psychopaths feel pleasured and happy from this type of sights.

I'm not feeling happy.
I'm sad. Concerned. Genuinely.

A sense of profound sadness washed over me as I looked upon the man who had been like a father to Harry.

I couldn't begin to imagine the pain and loss he must be feeling.

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