Chapter 8

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((Dimension 1-T//Year 1970))

A peaceful song gently floated through the warm air, sang by the many little birds that were scattered about the dense forest of blossoming pink covered trees.

A small stream ran through the center of the serene little forest, the light trickle of water flowing over the rocky bed beneath it catching the attention of a little boy, who was wandering the woods for what must've been the millionth time in his eight year old life.

His little bare feet treaded quickly over the soft green grass as he excitedly ran towards the crystal clear water, pushing his silky black hair out of his eyes as he reached the edge of the rippling little brook.

His curious brown eyes ran over the many different sized rocks as he crouched down, leaning over just enough to see past the glare that the sun put on the water.

With a clear view of the stream's bottom, he searched through the smooth looking stones for any that looked different. He could almost always find a cool looking rock at the bottom of a stream.

And sure enough, after moving along the creek bed for a few minutes searching, his eyes landed on an extra shiny one that lied towards the middle of the water, just out of his reach.

He stepped closer, where his feet were halfway in the water, the cold feeling shooting all the way up his leg and making him lift one of his feet back up from shock as a gasp left his lips, before gingerly placing it down again with his face scrunched up.

Trying to ignore the water temperature, he crouched again and leaned forward, eyes locked on the sparkly little rock.

It was still a bit far.

He moved a little closer, the water going up to his ankles now, the stinging cold seeming to seep through his skin and making him suck in a breath while he tried to bear it. He had to get that rock.

He reached out again, his little fingers going under the waters surface and to the bottom, where they were just an inch away from his target.

He humphed in frustration, and not wanting to move any further into the water, he leaned just a bit farther out.

His fingers brushed the edge of the rock, and he grinned in triumph, leaning onto his toes to get just a little closer, and just as his hand wrapped around it, he lost his balance.

He wobbled for a couple seconds, holding his arms out to try and steady himself, but doing nothing to prevent the fall.

He eventually toppled over towards the middle of the stream, shrieking in panic just before he was submerged in the shallow water.

The stinging cold ran over every inch of his skin as he held his breath until he was able to push himself up, taking a deep breath as the water dripped off of his face, his silky hair now matted over his eyes.

He quickly brushed it out of the way and stood up, shivering as the air hit his drenched self and rubbing his arms as he trudged back to the shore, his teeth chattering.

He plopped himself onto the grass, arms wrapping around himself tighter, thinking about how ridiculous that would've looked if someone had been watching.

Then there was a soft crunch behind him, and his stomach dropped.

Someone had been watching.

"The water is still way too cold to go swimming, you know."

He sighed, recognizing the voice and turning to look at the little girl who walked up behind him.

Her long black hair fell down her back, and was pushed behind her ears, making them stick out just the slightest bit, her soft brown eyes fixed on the shivering little boy.

"Y-yeah, I know. I w-wasn't trying to."

She only laughed at his defeated tone, grabbing the woven blanket that was wrapped around her shoulders and throwing it over him before she plopped next to him on the grass.

He sent her a grateful smile, then seemed to remember something as his eyes lit up.

"Actually, I fell in cause I was trying to get this for you."

With that, he revealed the sparkly rock, that he had managed to grab when he fell in, and held it out towards her.

Her eyes widened as she took it from his hand, a huge smile taking over her face as she turned it to watch the sun reflect off of the different angles.

"It's so pretty! Thank you!"

She threw her arms around the boy, getting a laugh from him at her reaction.

"You're welcome." He smiled. "Now you to have something to remember me by." His cheerful voice dimmed down by the end of the sentence, and both of their smiles slowly faded away.

A long silence settled in the air, only the sound of rustling tree branches and the babbling of the brook breaking it.

"I'm sorry I have to leave." She said quietly after a moment, making the boy look at her with equally sad eyes.

"It's not your fault. I'm just gonna miss you, Himawari."

She smiled a bit at the nickname, leaning over to hug him again, trying to forget about having to leave her best friend.

"I'll miss you too, Yanagi."

The two friend's embrace lasted a good few minutes, just wanting to cherish what time they did have, before they would be torn away from each other.

Neither of them knew how they would really deal with it once it happened, seeing as they'd been together their whole lives. But what they did know, was that nothing would be the same after tomorrow.

When they pulled away from each other, the girl's eyes drifted back down to the rock in her small hand, a smile gracing her lips. She looked back up, opening her mouth to speak, but not getting any words out before she was cut off by a new voice.

"Guys, we were supposed to meet at my house!"

The two turned as a short haired boy approached them, along with a girl whose hair was pulled into low pigtails, both of them having their arms folded over their chests and disapproving looks on their faces.

"Sorry, Arashi." The two said, apologetic smiles on their faces as they stood, and the boy only sighed, dropping his arms to his sides.

"It's fine. But can we go now? We're gonna miss your goodbye party!" The girl spoke now, looking to the other girl, who only nodded, all of them beginning to walk back the way they came.

A silence consumed most of their walk back, leaving each of them to their thoughts. But when their little village came into view, the one member who would soon be leaving their group finally spoke.

"You guys won't forget me right?"

They others in the group only looked at her with wide eyes and unbelieving expressions.

"Of course not!"

"No way!"

"That's crazy! As soon as you're back we're gonna throw a bigger party than this one!" The pigtailed girl exclaimed, bouncing on her toes at the thought of it, her black eyes filled with excitement.

Their immediate reassurance made her smile recover, a small laugh escaping her lips at the girl's antics.

"Thanks, Sakura."

Just as these words were exchanged, one of the grown ups had made their way over to the children, the soft eyed man shaking his head with a smile.

"Are you kids ever gonna use each other's real names?"

He got a couple of head shakes from the majority of the group, but the short haired boy decided to speak his mind on the matter instead.

"Our real names our boring."

The man rolled his eyes, chuckling at the kids as he motioned for them to follow him back to the village the rest of the way, many people already there, waiting to see the young girl off to wherever her parents were sending her.

The children walked along, smiling, laughing. Completely unaware of how this trip would change their friend once the reason behind her leaving was known to her.

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