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Paul and Ringo sat nervously on the same bench that they were left at. Anything could've happened while George and John had gone. It was too dangerous to have let them go off on their own.
"We really shouldn't have agreed to it, should've we?" Paul though aloud, sitting right on the bench's edge.
"It seemed harmless," muttered Ringo, his chin in his palm. Paul frowned as he looked up. George was practically sprinting in their direction. Paul stood up, knowing this didn't mean anything good.
"What's happened, George?" Paul asked, immense concern in his voice.
George stopped running, and paused, out of breath.
"John's disappeared. I promise, that's exactly what's happened."
"How on Earth could he have disappeared?" Paul questioned, completely bewildered.
"I'm not sure, but you could come with me if you'd like."
Paul paused in movements and in words, a contemplative expression shown blatantly on his face. Something unrelated had captured his mind.
"George, do you feel strange at all?"
"Yes. I know the feeling you're talking about," he agreed with a somewhat confused manner.
"Why in the world is John back in Hamburg?" Paul put out loudly, his bewilderment even stronger.
"Listen, you two, I haven't got a clue as to what you're talking about!" Ringo added, mystified.
"You've got to help us out somehow. What would you do if something like this were to happen to you?" Paul turned around, his words desperate.
"I'd probably ask one of you. Or John, he'd have some random idea that'd prove true."
"That's not helpful!" Paul exclaimed, frustrated.
"I'm not sure what to tell you! I haven't had to ever undergo something like this ever!"
George sighed, incredibly stressed.
"What is John blabbering about now? All this time travel stuff, I can't understand a single word!" George practically shouted.

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