Bonus chapter: Happy birthday, Valerie

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Chapter 52

Valerie's P.O.V.

Two months later

I'm at a party!

Karen and Phil is looking after Noah because Jake insisted I go out and celebrate my birthday properly, which I didn't complain about because I really needed to get out. And I'm really looking forward to tomorrow.

Actually, my birthday is in 3 hours! And oh my, I'm looking forward to it. Okay, I've said that, but then: I'M JUST SO EXITED!

"Butterfly, shouldn't you take it easy?" Jake asks me as I drink my third beer.

I tilt my head and look up into the green eyes I love so much. "It's my birthday in a little while, Jake. Let me live."

He laughs and kisses me. "Okay baby, but take it easy, won't you?"

I don't want him to worry so I nod.

And you know what? I have good news. I introduced Jacob and Viktoria to each other. Like really introduced them and... they've actually become quite good friends. So now all three of us hang out together. Jacob has got a boyfriend called Max. And they are very cute together. Honestly, I don't think I've seen a cuter couple (except me and Jake, of course. Bahahaha). But they argue quite a lot now, just like me and Jake, but their arguments are always about something crazy. Me and Jake's arguments are about normal things like who does the dishes and so on.

Viktoria comes dancing to me. "Girl, look at you. You will be 24 soon!" She takes my hands and pulls me out onto the dance floor. Connor comes around behind Viktoria, as he always does when he sees her dancing. And Jake comes up behind me and puts his hands on my hips. He leans forward and kisses me on the cheek, his usual scent filling my nostrils. I love his scent. I push my bottom back to torture him a little and he growls.

He leans forward and whispers, "If you keep at it, Butterfly, we're going to have to go upstairs, and when we come back down, Mason will wonder where we were. For so long." He adds. Oh God. I immediately get wet. Jake is great in bed. And that is just facts.

I gasp and I know he could hear and feel it on me. I dance and he dances with me. I look around and spot Jacob, who looks quite sad.

I look behind and up at Jake, turning so I can whisper in his ear. "I'll go talk to Jacob, he looks sad."

Jake looks over the crowd and finds Jacob in a corner, scowling at his drink. Jake grabs my chin so I look him in the eyes and then he kisses me gently and nods. "Okay."

When I reach Jacob, he looks down at the phone as if he is waiting for someone to write or call. "Are you okay?" I ask him.

He looks up and he still looks sad, but he smiles a small smile. "Yes, It's just Max was supposed to come, but he couldn't anyway."

Now I'm sad. I know that Jacob and Max can't be together that much, because Max often works and Jacob has school, of course they are together when they can, but it can be several weeks. "Oh, I'm sorry."

"Hey, you shouldn't be upset, right? It's your birthday-" he looks at his phone to see what time it is. "-in 2 hours, you should be happy."

I smile. "So am I, but then you also have to put the phone away and be happy with me."

He smiles. "Deal."


Me, Jake, Mason, Paige, Viktoria, Jacob and Connor are out on the dance floor right now. We've been dancing for quite a while now and in 40 minutes it's my birthday so we're just trying to pass the time.

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