Chapter 1: The University of California

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Chapter 1

Valerie's P.O.V

I'm going to start at The University of California.

Can you hear me looking forward to It? No, I thought so. It was never and I mean it when i say NEVER my plan to start at UC. In fact, I was perfectly fine with just being famous. But my parents, thats a whole nother story, they were definitely not fine with that. And my older brother. All three of them said I'm missing out one of the best three years of my life, and maybe just maybe they're right. But now  It's not like I'm not looking forward. I do. Viktoria Is also going to go here. My best friend, which Is going to be totally awesome.

My brother, Mason, already goes here. I don't really know what to think about It, but It was the only university I could think of that could actually be fun. And Viktoria wanted to go to college with her boyfriend so if I wanted to go to college with her it was here or surviving college without her. Which is not an option. At all. 

And I also know some of the people going here. My brothers best friend. Jake Graham. He Is so hot. A football player. Which only makes him ten times hotter. He Is the team captain. Probably the most popular guy In this university. But of course he Is. To be: hot, sweet, charming, did I say hot? Well, that means something when you are a team captain. Of course, you also have to be good. And he Is good. Really good. 

I know this maybe be bad, but me and Jake kissed last spring. Which is... well, I actually haven't made peace with it yet and don't know what feeling would describe it the best but let's just say it was breathtaking. That kiss was definitely breathtaking. 

 You're probably thinking: He's your brother's best friend, you shouldn't have kissed him. And you're right, but it's just that I wasn't really the one taking the iniatative to the breathtaking kiss.

But let's think back to now. And right now I am on the way to my dorm. 

Two things that I am not looking forward to is...

One: I'm going to live in a dormitory, honestly. Me, In a dormitory? No thanks. 

And two: To be recognized.

I cringed so bad when I was writing this guys. Especially because Valerie isn't real so it's like I'm lying to you guys. 

I love my fans, I really do, but honestly, the Idea of ​ ​ going to The University of California was because I needed a break from the paparazzi and the fans and also the Internet! And just so you don't have to guess too much, my name Is Valerie Prescott. And yes, I am that Valerie Prescott. The singer. The person who sings even better than Ariana Grande. Not because I think that myself. All my fans does. And honestly I think Ariana Grande is the queen of singing. Not me.


When I was little I loved singing. You can just ask my family, they know all about It. I sang literally every second that was possible. When I took a bath. When I ate. When I played. My parents even said once that I sang while I was asleep. Singing means a lot to me. It's my thing. But I am taking a break from It now, because of some things that happened. My family don't know what happened so they are a little confused. Which makes sense. I still love singing, It's just all the songs I have written, Is all about that one night I felt like my life just were falling apart.

And then the thing about living In a dormitory, It's just not for me. I don't mind sharing a room with someone, but... I'd also like some privacy. I can now share a room with Viktoria, I almost already do, but Mason's girlfriend? I don't think so.

And It should be said that our future (which Is now) roomie Is my older brother's girlfriend.

Her name is Paige Stanton. I mean, she sounds sweet enough when Mason talks about her, but... I've only met her once, which was the night me and Jake kissed, but It was really short. She didn't even notice me, which was quite rude. Our parents also met her while I was traveling at the time. Paige and Mason, have been dating since they started college. I think. I am not sure. And my parents love her a lot.

We're two weeks early, because why not? We thought It might be fun to look around the place a bit, but we're clearly not the only early arrivals. When I get to my dorm and open the door, I see that Paige has already been here, but she's not in there. Well. Then at least we can save the awkward "Hello" conversation.

It's not that I have a problem talking to people, In fact I'm pretty good at It, always have been. I have confidence. And I'm good at making people feel comfortable. I would call my self an extrovert. 

"Heyy, wait for me, bitch." I hear Viktoria say behind me.

"It's not my fault you're slow, bitch." That's the kind of thing we have. Calling each other nasty things.

As me and Viktoria are unpacking, a girl enters the room, she Is blonde and has a pretty good style, her eyes are green and she Is really beautiful. It's Paige. I may have only met her once (at a party where it was dark) but Mason has shown me a lot of pictures of her.

Viktoria rushes to her and gives her a hug. She Is a hugger. "Hi, my name Is Viktoria and this Is Val, and we are your new roommates." I smile at her enthusiasm. She is too sweet for her own sake. 

"Hi," I say to Paige smiling.

"Hey," she says also smiling.

Look, I said it, this is a really awkward conversation, and I can tell from Vik that she feels the same way.

Paige is a sophomore, just like my brother. But it seems to be a kind of tradition that some second-year students share a dormitory with first-year students.

"I'm just going to the toilet, freshen up my make-up," says Viktoria and slips into the toilet.

Seriously? She leaves me alone with her. I know I should give her a chance, but she's Mason's girlfriend, whatever she says to me, she's careful.

But as Paige is about to say something, someone knocks. "I'll open," she says.

When she opens the door, I just think: Why, God? Why?

Why are you doing this to me?


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