Chapter 34: One week later

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Chapter 34

Jake's P.O.V.

What just happened?

I just dropped Valerie off at her house and am on my way home myself. Did she break up with me? So, I guess she didn't, she just stopped what we were becoming, but why? I know she likes me too, more than just a fuck friend. And yes, I know this should be non-binding, God knows how many times I've said non-binding, but it's not for me. Not anymore. I'm falling madly in love with her and I don't know what to do about it now.

Do you know the expression: When you care about someone, you have to set them free...?

I don't want to set her free. She means too fucking much. It will not happen.

I don't care with what she said, she won't find someone better. I do not believe that. But damn if her stubbornness isn't going to get the better of her.


One week later

I've told a few key people to spread a stay away from Valerie or else... order all over campus. I hope she goes crazy. She's so fucking cute when she gets mad at me. She hasn't come to astronomy this week.

I have training today, which is something I can look forward to. There is a new one who has started and he wants to be the team captain. He can damn well get on. A team captain is not only about being good, but also knowing each other and he is new. Or he is almost new to me. For them he has been here for two weeks. For me for a week. His name is Conrad Hamilton.

"Hey, man." Mason comes up to me. "You've been playing really bad here lately." I have, and I haven't talked with Mason or Connor this week. I just didn't want to talk, I wanted to forget about Valerie. And I know that i can't escape from them anymore.

I just shrug.

"Damn, man. Pull yourself together. I don't know what you've been doing, but stop thinking about Val, you need to focus the hell on football right now, especially with Conrad here now."

He's right, I damn well have to play better. Especially now.

But why does he think it's my fault that me and Val aren't... together... or you know?

"I haven't done anything," I snarl.

Connor comes to us. "Are you talking about Valerie. Damn. She's been upset since you came home. What the hell have you been doing?" he asks me.

Excuse me?

"He hasn't done anything," says Mason. "What has she done?"

I grit my teeth. "She wants to see if there is someone better than me."

Mason is more shocked than I thought. "What the hell, did she tell you that?"

I nod.

"There's more to the story, I don't think Val would say something like that," Connor says. "I heard her talking about your mother."


Connor shrugs. "I don't know what she said, but I heard your mother was in the sentence too."

So Val broke up (broke up and broke up, you know what I mean) with me the day I left her alone with my mom, but what the hell could my mom do to make Val want to take a break? And why would she do that?

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