Chapter 30: Hi beautiful

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Chapter 30

Valerie's P.O.V.

When I wake up, my hands search for something my brain isn't quite aware of right now because it's still asleep, but then I wake up and look by my side. Jake isn't here. Where is he?

I get up and find a T-shirt and a g-string and put them on. I go to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror feeling better. I also ook better. Less pale than yesterday.

I go to the kitchen and see Jake standing there making coffee looking hot. He doesn't see me when I walk up and hug his back. I liked our talk yesterday and I like how he reassured me that he really likes me. And yes I know, Jake is a guy who is in college and those kind of guys like to play games with girls but I believe him. And I believe that he would never play games with me. Well, at last I am his best friend's sister and Mason would gladly smash him, if he hurt me. "Good morning." I say smiling.

He turns around looking at me with eyes that sparkle. "Good morning beautiful." He's smiling at me and god he looks good in the morning. Why is it that boys can look this good without even having to do anything about it. It is just how they wake up. "Did you sleep well, baby?"

"Mmm," I answer sleepily , still not fully woken up and walk to the other side of the kitchen, sitting down on a chair. I yawn. "What about you?" I mumle.

"Yes," he replies laughing at me.

He hands me one of the cups. "Thank you." I take a sip. "Mmm, you are my hero. I love coffee in the morning."

"You're welcome, Butterfly."

"When are the others coming?" I ask him looking around. I don't even know why, maybe it's just my head that is still tired. And then I close my eyes. Why am I this tired?

"They texted me they would come in an hour for not so long time ago" he replies.

I open my eyes and look at the clock, it's 12:05. Damn it. Jake and I stayed up late last night. When our food came and we ate we got some energy back and then we decided to see more of the fast and furious movies and we talked. Pretty much the entire night, even tho we were tired.

I finish my coffee and go back into the room, finding some dark blue low rise jeans and a pink and red kind of top. I put it on and put on some makeup, really natural, taking the words Jake said to me yesterday to me and listening.

"Baby, you don't need make up. At all. You are so beautiful right now. My eyes are literally hurting, because you are so beautiful."

I brush my hair with a comb, not wanting my waves go away. My hair is slightly wavey and I don't have to do anything in the morning to make it look nice, or wait, actually sometimes it looks like a birds nest and then I staighten it.

I go out to Jake and hear him on the phone with someone. "Yeah yes, Abuela. Me and Valerie are coming today or tomorrow." He comes to me smiling and kisses me. He puts one hand on my hip as he continues to talk. We just look at each other. "I don't know if it will be today or tomorrow. Okay, I'll figure it out. Love you." He hangs up and kisses me. He moans as our tongues meet and I smile. Pulling back I look up at the clock. 13.15. They are late. He kisses my cheek and down my neck. He grabs the hem of my sweater pulling me closer to him.

I quickly retreat when the doorbell rings, blushing, cause what if they didn't ring the doorbell? What if they just walked in and my brother would see me and Jake in a heated kissing session? God that would be embarrasing.

Jake just laughs at me and goes to open the door. He actually laughs at me. What an idiot.

Mason says hey to Jake, giving him a man hug and then walks up to me and hugs me tight, holding me there for a minute. "Hey, sis."

"Hey." I nod resting my chin on his shoulder.

He pushes me a little out of his hold, holding my shoulders looking me in the eyes. "Are you okay?"

"I am alright, Mason. Thank you for asking." This time I hug him feeling my eyes get watery. I love Mason. He is the best brother you could ever dream of. He has been with me my whole life through my ups and downs. He always protects me from a guy he don't think is nice and when I tell him it is my life and I get to chose who I want to be or hang out with he always ends up having right about them all being jerks. I couldn't have asked for a better brother than him.

And if I could choose between no brother or another brother than Mason, I would choose no brother, cause nobody can make me happy just by saying words like: "Are you alright?" Because that shows he cares for me and sometimes I doubt that. Sometimes I doubt that I am as great as a sister as he is a brother.

"Good." I can feel him being relieved letting me go. The others also come up to me and gives me a hug asking me if I am okay. I don't know why tho, they all asked me yesterday and even tho I was shocked and was afraid I told everybody I was alright. Only Jake saw me broken after the episode. ( And you for your info, the others are: Paige, Viktoria, Jacob and Nick. Yes Nick is also here.)

I can see Jake getting tensed and annoyed when Nick hugs me and says, "Hi, beautiful."

Valerie's outfit^^

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Valerie's outfit^^

Valerie's outfit^^

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Jake's outfit^^

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