Chapter 40: I like taking care of you

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Chapter 40

Valerie's P.O.V.

The last two months have gone by like clockwork.

But there is one thing that bothers me. I don't know what or why, but it's like every time I'm with Jake, there's something he's keeping a secret. I can't put the feeling into words, it's just there.

But it's probably nothing.

I'm lying in my bed. I haven't been able to bring myself to stand up yet. I'm really tired right now and it's like all my energy is gone just like that. Sometimes when I feel like this, Jake is there and he makes me happy again and just live, but now... now I feel bad and have a headache and hes not here.

I get up and go to the toilet. Looking at myself in the mirror. I have dark circles under my eyes.

It's been three months since Debbie died. I still think about her sometimes. Even have nightmares about her. Jacob has gotten over it, at one point he also had nightmares, but now he just gets sad when the subject is Debbie. Me? I get goosebumps thinking about the day we found her.

I shake it off. The picture of her. And take a good look at myself. I am beautiful. And I'm not saying this because I'm confident, no, it's just a fact. And really, I want whoever you are reading this to look at yourself in the mirror sometimes and think: Damn, I'm hot.

I open the cupboard next to the mirror and take out the panodile. Takes a glass and fills it with water. I put a tablet in my mouth and wash it down. I decide to take two.

Viktoria is not at home, otherwise she would bring soup and a cold cloth and put it on my forehead. Which sounds pretty tempting right now.

Jake, Viktoria and Mason are at a party. Jake asked if I wanted to come, but I said I wasn't feeling too well. He asked if he should stay here with me, but I told him to just go and enjoy himself.

I lie down again. Closes eyes. Aaron went to jail. But not for a very long time. We didn't have much evidence, so he'll be out again in two months. I still remember what he said: "You just have to wait, treasure girl. In 2 months I'll be out again and then... you know what, I'll leave you waiting in suspense," he snarled.

I hear a door open and then my door. I open my eyes and there is Jake. "Hey."

I'm trying to find my voice. "Hello," I say hoarsely.

He comes over to me, takes off his clothes so he's only wearing boxer shorts and lies down next to me. Myself, I'm only wearing a G-string and t-shirt.

"Are you feeling okay?" he asks me.

"Better," I reply and snuggle up to him. He puts his arms around me and pulls me closer to him.

"Shall I get you something." He smiles. "I can try to make soup."

I smile weakly. "I don't really know now. I don't want to get sicker than I already am."

He kisses my forehead. "No, we can't have that."


"Yes, baby?"

"Why are you here?"

He looks me in the eyes. "Is this a joke? I sure hope it is, baby. I'm here because that party wasn't the same without you. I didn't have as much fun as when you're there. And you feel bad. I would be a bad boyfriend if I stayed there."

I frown. "But I wouldn't think so."

He kisses the crease on my forehead. And stop it, I'm melting. "But I would." He smiles a little. "Well, but let's sleep. I didn't come to keep you awake."

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